2017_SBRT_Course Book

Oligo-progression: SBRT & switch to next line systemic Tx

Prospective Phase II trial: 24 patients with 52 sites • Maximum 5 Platin-resistant sites based on FDG-PET

• SBRT to all progressive sites, • Switch to concurrent Erlotinib

Iyenger JCO 2014

PFS median 15 mo

In-field failure

3 / 21

Out-field failure

10 / 21

No failure

10 / 21

Ø Highly favorable failure pattern Ø Promising OS (in highly selected patients)

07.09.17 ESTRO SBRT COURSE 2017 - Matthias Guckenberger



Brain mets in patients with driver mutations

Cancer with available effective systemic Tx e.g. activating driver mutation Development of brain metastases

Small asymptomatic

Large symptomatic

Systemic treatment

Local treatment

Ø Safe concept to delay local RT / SRS ?

07.09.17 ESTRO SBRT COURSE 2017 - Matthias Guckenberger



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