2017_SBRT_Course Book

Maximizing immunogenic effect of RT

Abuodeh Curr Probl Cancer 2016: Ø 46 reported cases from 1969 to 2014


Ø How can we influence and maximize the immunogenic effect of radiotherapy?

/ 07.09.17 ESTRO SBRT COURSE 2017 - Matthias Guckenberger


Fractionation of RT

0Gy 1 x 20Gy 3 x 8Gy 6 x 6Gy

Un-irradiated tumor

Irradiated tumor

Breast and colon cancer mouse model

Dewan Clin Cancer Res 2009

Ø Abscopal effect induced by hypo-fractionated and not single fraction RT combined with anti–CTLA-4

/ 07.09.17 ESTRO SBRT COURSE 2017 - Matthias Guckenberger


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