2017_SBRT_Course Book
Dose escalation WITHIN the PTV Central location Prostate Spine
Urethra Ø Scricture
Bone Ø Fracture
Bronchi Ø Stenosis
Ø Adaptation of dose profile within the PTV
Matthias Guckenberger - ESTRO SBRT Course 2017
C O N C L U S I O N S Ø Dose explains high rates of local tumor control Ø LQ model describes reasonably well what we observe in clinical practice Ø Dose-response not different between primary NSCLC and pulmonary metastases Ø PTV encompassing dose >100Gy BED achieves >90% TCP Ø Total dose adapted to competing risk of death / distant progression Ø Fractionation adapted to risk of OAR toxicity
Matthias Guckenberger - ESTRO SBRT Course 2017
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