33 Endovascular Brachytherapy
656 Endovascular Brachytherapy
Table 32.3 : Comparison of different doses with different systems in different trials specified according to GEC ESTRO recommendations (5) in relation to outcome: Relation between Dose and Target Lesion Revascularisation (TLR) is more pronounced for In Stent Restenosis (ISR) compared to De Novo Lesions (provided by M Martens and E Van Limbergen) .
Table 32.4 : Reference Depth dose as a function of the vessel diameter and different prescription techniques (Kirisits (2)).
10 Monitoring during vascular brachytherapy Brachytherapy prolongs the angioplasty procedure (usually by about 30 minutes), depending on different circumstances. Experience so far suggests that endovascular brachytherapy does not add significant acute risks for patients with femoropopliteral artery lesions, but in coronary arteries adds the risks well known from interventional cardiology for coronary arteries.
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