6th ICHNO Programme Book
Role of L glutamine in reducing severity of chemoradiation induced mucositis and improve QoL in HNC V. Pareek (India), R. Bhalavat, M. Chandra Brachial plexus position reproducibility for head and neck radiotherapy and its dosimetric impact S. English (UK), A. Thompson Adaptive 18F-FDG-PET-guided reirradiation for recurrent and second primary head and neck cancer J. Schatteman (Belgium), D. Van Gestel, D. Berwouts, W. De Gersem, I. Goethals, L. Olteanu, S. Rottey, T. Vercauteren, W. De Neve, F. Duprez The study of constant dose rate and gantry speed arc therapy for glottic carcinoma on Varian 23EX R. Zhang, Y. Gao, W. Bai (China), M. Miao, D. Liu Melatonin enhances the toxicity of radio- and chemotherapy in head and neck cancer cells G. Escames (Spain), B.I. Fernández-Gil, A. Guerra-Librero, Y. Shen, S. García-López, J. Florido, R. Sayed, D. Acuña-Castroviejo, J. Esposito Oncostatic effect of melatonin in head and neck cancer: role of mitochondrial function G. Escames (Spain), A. Guerra-Librero, Y. Shen, J. Florido, R. Sayed, M. Molina-Navarro, M. Gonzalez-Diez, D. Acuña-Castroviejo, J. Exposito Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) in nasopharyngeal cancer – a dosimetric and QoL analysis V. Pareek (India), R. Bhalavat, M. Chandra Dosimetric comparaison of conformal and intensity modulated radiotherapy for locally recurrent NPC W. Mnejja (Tunisia), L. Farhat, H. Daoud, T. Sahnoun, N. Fourati, W. Siala, J. Daoud COSTAR trial results: 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy vs Cochlea-Sparing IMRT in parotid cancer patients C. Nutting, J. Morden, M. Beasley, S. Bhide (UK), M. Emson, M. Evans, L. Fresco, D. Gujral, K. Harrington, C. Lemon, R. Neupane, K. Newbold, R. Prestwich, M. Robinson, P. Sanghera, M. Sivaramalingam, M. Sydenham, E. Wells, S. Witts, E. Hall
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