7th ICHNO Abstract book

7th ICHNO 7 th ICHNO Conference International Conference on innovative approaches in Head and Neck Oncology 14 – 16 March 2019 Barcelona, Spain __________________________________________________________________________________________ page 81

factor for certain types of HNC. The role of HPV in tonsillar squamous cell carcinoma was first reported by Brandsma and Abramson in 1989 and since then, several HPV types have been associated with HNC. Our study aimed to identify the latest evidence on global incidence trends of HNC at sites commonly associated with HPV among males, as well as the prevalence of HPV types in male HNC patients. Material and Methods A systematic literature review was performed using Medline and EMBASE. Studies were included if they contained data on HNC incidences or HPV prevalence in male HNC patients published in English between January 2008 and March 2018. Results Incidence of HNC among the general male population was identified in 66 studies. Cancer registry data indicates that the overall HNC incidence has declined among men in most European and Asian countries from 1983-1987 to 1998- 2002 (Simard 2014). However, in the past decade oropharyngeal cancer (OPC) in men has increased rapidly, especially in well-developed regions of Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and North America. Figure 1 presents the incidence rates in studies focusing on incidence changes over time in OPC, the HNC form most commonly associated with HPV. Men older than 50 had a relatively higher OPC incidence rate (range 9.9-34.7 per 100,000) than younger men (range 3.0-8.6 per 100,000). Peak incidence rates of OPC were observed in men aged 55-65 (range 22.5-34.7 per 100,000), declining for age groups >65 years (range 9.9-34.0 per 100,000). In the US, the overall HNC incidence rate for black men was double that of white men (range 6.6-8.5 vs. 3.4-4.7 per 100,000) during 1975-2003. Yet the incidence of OPC gradually increased in white men, with CDC reporting equally high incidence rates in white and black men (6.3 vs. 6.4 per 100,000) during 2004- 2008. Following quality check, we identified >30 studies reporting HPV type-specific prevalence data among males with HNC. Of these, 30 focused on Asian, European, or North American populations, with an HPV prevalence among OPC populations of 24%, 10%-65%, and 36%-71%, respectively. In other HNC populations, the corresponding HPV prevalence ranged between 4-47%; 8-42%; and 9-49%, respectively. Notably, out of the 10 studies reporting the highest HPV prevalence, 8 were performed in OPC patient populations (prevalence range 42%-71%). HPV prevalence among oral cavity cancer patients was lower than in OPC, ranging between 8%-47%. Conclusion Although the incidence rates of overall HNC have decreased, the incidence rates of HPV-related HNC continue to rise. This highlights the unmet medical need and the importance of preventing HPV infection. The inter- and intra-continental variation in HPV prevalence among HNC patients is notable and warrants further investigation regarding underlying causes. PO-153 Predicting 90-day Mortality in Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck cancer After Curative Surgery

tumors of overhead respiratory tracts of laryngeal cancer occupies the first place and makes 75% of disease. From data of IARC, annually more than 150000 new cases of disease register oneself in the world, thus more than 45% perish from them. Material and Methods Belarusian Cancer Registry Results A cancer of larynx in Republic of Belarus is the most often meeting tumor of head and neck, making 3,6% in the general structure of morbidity by malignant neoplasms. From data of Belarussian cancer registry, for period of time from 2008 to 2017, on the average, in a year more than 580 new cases came to light with a tendency to year- on-year growth of this index (from 589 there are to 623 cases). A tendency is marked to the increase of indexes of morbidity on 100000 population from 6,1- in 2008 to 6,6 - in 2017. Men are ill mainly (94%) in age 40-60 (86%). In spite of the fact that the malignant tumours of larynx behave to visual localization, approximately 50% patients begin treatment in III - IV of the stage of disease. It is therefore needed to mark a necessity and importance of realization of early diagnostics within the framework of realization of screening programs on the early exposure of laryngeal cancer. So for the last 10 years in 4,8 time are increased (from 15,9% to 76,3%) number of patients with T1 – 2, educed within the framework of these measures. Optimization of approaches of the combined and complex treatment of patients, also introduction in the practical health protection of principles and new approaches of early diagnostics of laryngeal cancer, allowed to improve the indexes of survivability of patients with this pathology. So for the last 10 years the increase of the 5-years-old adjusted survivability of patients of I and II stages is marked from 57,4% to 75,0%, III – from 25,3% to 35,8% and IV - from 8,5% to 17%. One-year lethality grew short from 30,8% to 17,5%. The indexes of death rate diminished similarly on 100000 population from 3,5% to 2,8% attitude of death rate toward morbidity from 54,8% tо 40%. Conclusion The experience accumulated by foreign and home oncologic science asserts that all complex of measures of anticarcinogenic fight is the result of timely and correct account of malignant new formations. The scientifically reasonable planning and estimation of efficiency of the actions, sent to the prophylaxis, early exposure of tumours, providing of curative help and rehabilitation PO-152 Epidemiological trends of HPV-related head and neck cancer in males: a systematic literature review E. Morais 1 , X. Wang 2 , K. Luttropp 2 , M. Nicholson 2 , S. Varga 3 , J. Eriksson 2 , J.R. Wong 4,5 , R. Drury 6 , S. Kothari 4 , A. Walia 4 1 Merck Sharp & Dohme, Center for Observational and Real World Evidence, Lyon, France; 2 ICON plc, Commercialisation and Outcomes, Stockholm, Sweden; 3 Merck and Co.- Inc., Center for Observational and Real World Evidence, Kenilworth, USA; 4 Merck and Co.- Inc., Global Medical Affairs, Kenilworth, USA ; 5 AllSourcePPS, AllSourcePPS, Glendale, USA; 6 Merck Sharp and Dohme, Europe Vaccine Medical Affairs, Lyon, France Purpose or Objective Head and neck cancer (HNC) is one of the most common cancers with approximately 511,060 new cases worldwide in 2018. Human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection, represents an independent risk

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