ESTRO 2020 Abstract book
S243 ESTRO 2020
using CTCAEv4. In a subgroup of patients with increased or new complaints of dyspnea/cough, FU CT-scans were analyzed for onset of bronchial stenosis by 3 thoracic radiation oncologists. Difference in dose to the bronchus in this subgroup between patients with or without stenosis was evaluated. Overall survival (OS) and median FU were also evaluated. Results In total 118 patients were analyzed with a mean age of 69.9 years and 87.2% had WHO ≤1. The median overall survival was 44.8 months with a median follow up of 18.3 months in the total cohort. Consisting of 65% cT1-2 NSCLC and 35% metastases. No acute toxicity ≥grade 3 was recorded. 28% of patients (n=33) developed grade ≤2 dyspnea/cough. In this subgroup the tumors of 15 patients were located ≤2cm of PBT and bronchial stenosis grade 2 was scored in 5 patients, all with tumor ≤1cm from the PBT. In 4 patients complete obstruction of at least one lobar and/or sublobar bronchus with atelectasis (figure 1) and in 1 patient partial stenosis of the bronchus was observed. Mean time to bronchial stenosis was 9.9 months from end of SBRT. The median D0.5cc for the bronchus was significantly different between the group with stenosis and without stenosis: 34.4Gy (50.2Gy, α/β=3) vs 18.3Gy (19.4Gy, α/β=3) respectively (p=0.005). No grade ≥3 stenosis, fistula or hemorrhage was scored. Conclusion Thirty-three (28%) of 118 patients treated with SBRT for a centrally located tumor experienced increased dyspnea and/or cough. In 15 (45%) of these 33 patients the tumor location was found ≤2cm of PBT. In this subgroup bronchial stenosis grade 2 was found in 5 patients, all with tumors ≤1cm from the PBT and all related to the bronchus dose. Based on this increased risk on bronchial stenosis we are reconsidering SBRT for tumors ≤1cm of PBT.
Conclusion SABR treatment resulted in promising LC, PFS and OS in early stage lung cancer patients considering the fact these are elderly patients with multiple comorbidies. Increasing PTV volume can significantly worsen the outcomes. R100 of > 1.1 resulted in better outcomes, indicating that tight conformality with steep dose gradient may worsen outcomes. Greater R50 improved OS and PFS. 8 fraction regimen is inferior to 3 fraction regimen in terms of LC. Smaller fraction regimen is significantly better than larger fraction regimen in terms of PFS but there is no significant difference in OS. PD-0415 Toxicity and bronchial stenosis in central lung tumors treated with SBRT B.L.T. Rijksen 1 , M.M.G. Rossi 1 , B. Stam 1 , J.N.A. Van Diessen 1 , J.L. Knegjens 1 , J.S.A. Belderbos 1 1 The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Radiotherapy, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Purpose or Objective Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for central lung tumors, i.e. tumors ≤2cm from the proximal bronchial tree (PBT) or other mediastinal structures, is often delivered with a risk adapted strategy. The proximity of critical structures to the high dose area increases the toxicity risk e.g. dyspnea/cough due to bronchial stenosis. Jackson et al. reported 27% risk of bronchial stenosis grade ≥2 after SBRT for ultra-central long tumors. The Nordic HILUS-trial investigated toxicity in centrally located tumors and observed 28% ≥grade 3 toxicities in tumors ≤1cm from the PBT. In our institute, patients with a centrally located tumor are treated with SBRT using the EORTC Lung-Tech trial dose prescription and constraints. In this study we evaluated bronchial stenosis in these patients. Material and Methods Patients receiving SBRT 8x7.5Gy (BED 87.5Gy, α/β=10) between 2015-2019 were retrospectively analyzed. Central location was defined as ≤2cm from the PBT or mediastinal and/or pericardial pleura. If the PTV was adjacent to the PBT the dose constraint (D0.5cc) on the bronchial wall was <60Gy (126.0Gy, α/β=3), when the PTV was not adjacent D0.5cc <44Gy (74.8Gy, α/β=3). Dyspnea/cough and bronchial stenosis were evaluated
PD-0416 Daily adaptive strategy simulation in lung cancer pts treated with RTCHT with reduced CTV-PTV MARGIN M.L. Bonu 1 , P. Borgetti 1 , L. Spiazzi 1 , A. Taddeo 1 , G. Volpi 1 , A. Guaineri 1 , G. Costantino 1 , A. Donofrio 1 , A. Guerini 1 , D. Tomasini 1 , C. Toraci 1 , J. Imbrescia 1 , S.M. Magrini 2 1 Spedali Civili di Brescia, Radiation Oncology Departement, Brescia, Italy ; 2 Spedali Civili di Brescia and Brescia University, Radiation Oncology Departement, Brescia, Italy Purpose or Objective to evaluate interfraction target coverage and primitive tumour GTV shrinkage in a cohort of lung cancer patients treated with radical intent radiochemotherapy (RTCHT) and planned with 4DCT with reduced iCTV-PTV margins. Material and Methods
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