AROI-ESTRO GYN Teaching Course

Radiobiological Considerations HDR L inear - Q uadratic model for incomplete monoexponential sublethal (DNA) damage repair • Biologically Effective Dose:

The Role of Dose Rate in Brachytherapy (J. Dutreix) In: A Practical Manual of Brachytherapy (Pierquin / Marinello, Medical Physics Publishing)

S = e - (  D +  g D² )

BED = nd [ 1 + d / ( / ) ]

• BED ... virtual dose value that produces the same biological effect as the physical dose with an infinite low dose rate

n ... number of equal fractions d … dose per fraction

tissue dependent parameters :

/ ... parameter describing lethal / sublethal lesions

BT-GYN Teaching Course

D. Berger

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