Abstract book - ESTRO meets Asia
S57 ESTRO meets Asia 2018
was initiated from next day of implant and after removal of the catheters, the patients were followed up as per the institutional protocol and were assessed for survival outcomes and toxicities. Results With a median follow-up of 18 months, 4 local recurrences were observed within first year of follow up after the procedure. The 2-year local control and overall survival outcomes for the entire group were 58.3% and 83.3%, respectively. The 4-year disease free survival was 50% and distant metastases was seen in 33.3% at 5 years. There were 3 patients with Grade II and 4 with Grade III complications and one patient developed osteoradionecrosis. A median BED of 88Gy showed improved survival outcomes in these patients. Conclusion The results of HDR Interstitial brachytherapy have shown an acceptable local control and overall survival rates along with tolerable toxicities and morbidity in recurrent H&N cancers. Based on these encouraging results, prospective clinical trials are warranted using HDR Interstitial Brachytherapy in recurrent H&N cancers to decrease late toxicity. PO-146 Response evaluation of concurrent chemotherapy and conformal radiotherapy in hypopharynx carcinoma B. Mir Khan 1 1 Aga Khan University Hospital, oncology, Karachi, Pakistan Purpose or Objective The objective of this study was to evaluate the overall treatment response of tumor after concurrent chemotherapy and conformal radiotherapy (CCRT) in Hypopharyngeal carcinoma after 6-8 weeks of completion of treatment. Material and Methods
was assessed after 6-8 weeks of completion of treatment according to Miller’s criteria. Results There were 32(72.7%) males and 12(27.3%) females. Median age was 48 (range 23 – 90) years. Mean pretreatment radiological size of the tumor was 4.7cm ± 2.0, Most of the patient had locally advanced disease i.e. 11(25%) had stage IV B, 16 (36.4 %) had stage IVA, and 13 (29.5%) had stage III disease at presentation. Only 4 (9.1%) had stage II disease none of the patients found to have stage I disease. The commonest subside of tumor belongs to pyriform fossa 28 (63.6%) patients and the majority were grade II 30(68%). 4 (9.1%) of patients received induction chemotherapy. Majority of patient 39 (88.6%) received concurrent chemotherapy with radiation and only 1 (2.3%) received adjuvant chemo after definitive CCRT. 25 (56.8%) patients were treated on Intensity- modulated radiotherapy(IMRT) technique and 19(43.2%) were on 3D Conformal (3DCRT) technique. 40 (90.9%) of patients received 70 Gy and 4 (9.09%) of patients received >70 Gy of radiation dose and 24(54%) receive 3 cycles of 3 weekly regimen chemotherapy. The Mean post-treatment radiological size of the tumor was 1.42 cm ± 1.86. Majority of the patients had the good response to treatment i.e. 19(43.2%) of the patient had CR (Complete response), 18 (40.9%) had PR (Partial response). Only 4 (9.1%) of the patient had SD (stable disease) and 3 (6.8%) patient had PD (progressive disease). Overall response of disease was 81.8 % (CR+ PR: 43.2% + 40.9%). On stratification it was found that 100 % CR rates were achieved in patient with tumor size of <2.5 cm and among 4 patient with stage II disease 3 had CR and 1 had PR, among 13 patient with stage III disease 7 had CR 5 had PR and 1 had stable disease process which was found to be very good overall response as compared to stage IVA, IV B disease. Conclusion The frequency of overall response of tumor after conformal radiotherapy and chemotherapy in hypopharyngeal carcinoma after 6 to 8 weeks of completion of treatment found to be very high i.e. 84.1 % (CR: 48.6%, PR: 40.0%) PO-147 Utility of MRI in determining treatment response and local recurrence in nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC) Purpose or Objective Non-metastatic NPC is treated definitively with radiotherapy (RT) with or without chemotherapy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging’s (MRI) role in the initial staging assessment of NPC is well established. However, its utility in the post treatment setting is not well defined. Material and Methods Patients with histologically-confirmed non-metastatic NPC who received curative-intent treatment with at least one post-treatment MRI (ptMRI) at our institution from January 2013 to December 2017 were reviewed. Clinical data was obtained via institutional electronic medical records and RT databases. ptMRI reports were categorised as complete response (CR), partial response/residual disease (PR) or indeterminate (ID). Patients with locoregional recurrence (LRR) were reviewed to determine if initial detection was by MRI or clinical means. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression were performed to identify independent factors associated with CR on ptMRIs. Statistical analyses were performed using STATA version 14. Results 265 patients were eligible for analysis (Table 1). Median age at diagnosis was 55 years (range 15 - 82). Median follow-up was 2.4 years (range 0.08 - 4.6). 24 patients had stage I disease (9.0%), 48 (18.1%) stage II, 81 (30.6%) stage T. Meng 1 , J. Tey 1 , H. Asim 1 , T. Cheo 1 1 National Cancer Institute of Singapore, Radiation Oncology, Singapore, Singapore
the Descriptive Case Series study performed on 44 patients with histologically proven Hypopharynx carcinoma who were referred for radiotherapy with chemotherapy in radiation oncology department of Aga Khan University Pakistan after satisfaction of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The staging was done before starting the treatment. All patients received a radiation dose of minimum 70 Gy in 35 fractions (2 Gy / fraction) through conformal radiotherapy planning. Chemotherapy was given along with radiotherapy. The response of disease
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