Abstract book - ESTRO meets Asia
S66 ESTRO meets Asia 2018
also wanted to see if there was significant differences in PFS in CR (complete response),PR (Partial response), SD(Stable Disease) and PD(Progressive disease) groups defined at RANO-3 months and RANO-6 months. The log rank test showed highly significant (p= 0.000) differences in PFS in these 4 groups at 3 and 6 months. The Pearson’s correlation co-efficient with PFS was calculated as -0.396 (2 tailed significance, p= 0.017) and -0.875(2 tailed significance, p=0.000) for RANO-3 and RANO-6 respectively.
amount of diversity in the management including surgical approaches, radiotherapy and chemotherapy depending upon the availability of local resources. From the limited data available, germinoma seems to be the commonest histological type, and pineal location is most frequent. Studies on demographic, treatment details and molecular alterations based on ethnicity and geographical location are necessary to provide clarity on differences in incidence. Attention also needs to be focused on decreasing treatment heterogeneity and minimizing treatment-related morbidity and mortality, improving the cure rate of these highly treatable tumours. PO-165 Hippocampal avoidance in WBRT for Metastases – Neurocognitive and Dosimetric Assessment V. Pareek 1 , R. Bhalavat 1 , M. Chandra 1 , L. Nellore 1 , K. George 1 1 Jupiter Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India Purpose/Objective(s): Hippocampus is associated with formation and storage of new memory and irradiation of the same during whole brain radiotherapy in brain metastases leads to decline in the neurocognitive function. Recent advancements in radiation delivery in form of IMRT, Hippocampal avoidance has been made possible. We analyze feasibility of hippocampal sparing and associated neurocognitive and dosimetric assessment. Material and Methods 75 patients diagnosed radiologically and clinically with brain metastases were included in the study. Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and quality of life assessment with EORTC BN20 questionnaire were assessed along with dosimetry. Patients were assessed at baseline and followed by at 1, 3 and 6 months respectively. Wilcoxon test for multiple comparisons was calculated to detect significant differences in global QoL scores. Results Median age was 49 years. Median D100% and Dmax to contralateral hippocampus was 7.1Gy and 16.7Gy. With IMRT, doses to other critical structures were reduced. Patients treated with IMRT were found to have achieved desired dose constraints to hippocampus. Assessment of neurocognitive function between two groups, there was no difference at 1 month after treatment, however, difference was seen at 3 and 6 months. No difference noted in other aspects of quality of life between two groups. No severe toxicities (Grade 3 and 4) were noted in either group. Median survival in the HA-WBRT arm was found to be 9.8 months. Conclusion Conformal avoidance of hippocampus during WBRT is associated with improved neurocognitive function and quality of life. IMRT has found to provide better dosimetric outcomes in HA-WBRT. PO-166 Impact of psychological support during radiotherapy in patients with brain tumor: final report L. Dinapoli 1 , S. Chiesa 2 , R. Gatta 1 , F. Beghella Bartoli 2 , N. Dinapoli 1 , S. Bracci 2 , A. Tenore 1 , C. Mazzarella 1 , G. Sabatino 3 , S. Luzi 2 , A. Olivi 3 , V. Valentini 2 , M. Balducci 2 1 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche- Radioterapiche ed Ematologiche., Roma, Italy 2 Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS- Università Catt olica Sacro Cuore, Dipartimento di Scienze Radiologiche- Radioterapiche ed Ematologiche- Istituto di Radiologia, Roma, Italy 3 Fondazione Policlinico A. Gemelli IRCCS- Università Catt olica Sacro Cuore, Dipartimento Scienze dell’invecchiamento- neurologiche- ortopediche e della Testa-Collo UOC Neurochirurgia, Roma, Italy
Conclusion There is significant statistical correlation between PFS and ORR assessed by RANO criteria . Hence, RANO determined ORR can be used as surrogate end points for PFS in primary GBM patients. PO-164 Management of CNS germ cell tumors - Decreasing treatment heterogeneity in developing countries R. Tonse 1 , R. Jalali 1 1 Apollo Proton Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Chenai, India Purpose or Objective Central nervous system (CNS) germ cell tumors (GCTs) are relatively rare neoplasms. Incidence of CNS GCTs in many low/middle income countries (3 to 4%) seems to be slightly higher than that the West but considerably lower than that from Eastern Asian countries (Japan, Korea etc). The objective of this study is to gather as much data possible from low/middle income countries and try to reduce treatment heterogeneity of this curable tumour. Material and Methods We present collated data of as much information about CNS GCT as available from 6 developing countries (India, Egypt, Morocoo, Iran, Malaysia and Brazil). Results Incidence of CNS GCT was reported to be 0.43% of the entire CNS tumour burden and 2% of childhood brain tumours from a multi institutional study from India. The proportion of CNS GCT comprising all paediatric brain tumours was reported to be 3.6% from Brazil, 0.9% from Morocco, 3% from Egypt and 1.2% in Iran respectively. The Indian multi-institutional study from 3 center identified 95 patients of CNS GCT. Pineal location was most common (45 %) and with germinoma, the most common histology (63.2%). 48 patients received adjuvant chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy with either ventricular RT or CSI. Age >10 years, male gender, pineal location, and germinoma histology were associated with favorable outcome. Prospective database maintained at Tata Memorial between 2001-2016 (n=43) showed 5 year OS 83.4%. Retrospective audit from Malaysia identified 26 patients from 2006-2012 with median age of 11.2 years. Germinoma was the most common histology (65%). Conclusion There is a lack of demographic and outcome data of CNS GCT in developing countries. There also seems to be a fair
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