Abstract book - ESTRO meets Asia
S71 ESTRO meets Asia 2018
weighted MRI. Regarding the PFS two second order features (in particular one describing the intensity pixel distribution and one describing the morphological complexity of GTV) on post contrast T1 weighted MRI and one on T2-FLAIR showed the most significant results
The Deauville criteria are validated as assessment toolfor prognostic value in DLBCL, the role of SUV max cannotbe undermined. The SUV max can lead to betterperformance and reproducibility and should be preferredin cases where baseline PET/ CT scans are available. PO-176 Outcome of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma treated with Radiotherapy – Single institution experience I.C. Rajasooriyar 1 , L.C. Wong 2 , J. Tey 2 , K.M. Lee 3 , I. Tham 2 , B. Vellayapan 2 1 Teaching Hospital Jaffna, Clinical Oncology, Jaffna, Sri Lanka 2 National University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Singapore, Singapore 3 Farrer Park Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Singapore, Singapore Purpose or Objective The standard of care for patients with Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) is rituximab-based chemotherapy with or without radiotherapy. The role of radiotherapy has not been clearly defined. However, patients with residual disease after chemotherapy, bulky disease (>7.5cm) at presentation and those treated with abbreviated chemotherapy are offered consolidative radiotherapy. The purpose of this study was to analyse the survival outcomes of patients with DLBCL treated with rituximab-based chemotherapy and consolidative radiotherapy and the influence of the cell of origin and other prognostic factors A retrospective study of patients with DLBCL treated between November 2001 to December 2015 were included. Kaplan- Meier method was used to analyse survival outcomes and cox regression model to identify factors which predict for survival. Results Seventy-four patients with stages I -IV disease were eligible for analysis. The median age was 61 (14 – 88) years and the median follow up was 3 (0.7 – 16) years. Fifty- seven present of patients had stage I-II disease and the cell of origin based on Hans algorithm was discernible in 45% of patients with around 50% being germinal centre origin. The 5-year over- all survival [OS] was 92% and 5- year disease-free survival [DFS] was 73%. Only 7% (n=5) of patients recurred locally at a median duration of 6 months. On multivariate analysis, the risk factors for relapse were bulky disease (p<0.02) and completeness of response following radiotherapy (p<0.001). The cell of origin, dose of radiotherapy (36 Gy vs <36 Gy), number of chemotherapy cycles received, and the stage of disease were not significant predictors of DFS. Conclusion Though DLBCL is an aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, the survival outcomes are good with the modern treatment. Radiotherapy confers good local control of the disease. Patients who fail to achieve complete response following radiotherapy perform badly. PO-177 Assessment of Quality of Life in Elderly and young DLBCL: Risk Parameters and clinical outcomes V. Pareek 1 , V.K. Pareek 2 , R. Bhalavat 1 , R. Pareek 2 , M. Chandra 1 , C. Bakshi 3 , L. Nellore 1 , K. George 1 , K. Kalariya 1 , N. Reddy 1 , Z. Moosa 1 , A. Srivastava 1 , A. Kapoor 1 , D. Kawale 1 , V. Masurkar 4 , N. Bhambhani 4 1 Jupiter Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India 2 Pareek Nursing Home, Surgical Oncology, Mumbai, India 3 Jupiter Hospital, Medical Oncology, Mumbai, India 4 Jupiter Hospital, Surgical Oncology, Mumbai, India Purpose or Objective DLBCL is the most common type of aggressive B cell NHL.The objective of this study was to compare health on survival outcomes. Material and Methods
Conclusion This preliminary univariate analysis suggests that the radiomic features relates to survival and clinical outcomes and that is possible to stratify patients according MR based quantitative imaging. A higher number of patients, multivariate analysis and external validation are next steps for improving radiomic analysis according to T magnet, for implementing a delta radiomic analysis and for getting reliable predictive models PO-175 Prognostic role of PET/CT in DLBCL - assessment of Deauville criteria and SUV max V. Pareek 1 , C. Bakshi 2 , R. Bhalavat 1 , M. Chandra 1 1 Jupiter Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Mumbai, India 2 Jupiter Hospital, Medical Oncology, Mumbai, India Purpose or Objective PET/CT role as therapeutic strategies in diffuse large Bcelllymphoma (DLBCL) is controversial as theinterpretation may vary between the observer acrossvarious centers. This study aims to assess the prognosticvalue of PET/CT using the Deauville criteria andΔSUVmax. Material and Methods Between 2013 and 2016, 38 patients were evaluated withnewly diagnosed DLBCL treated with a rituximabcontainingregimen. These patients underwent ¹ ⁸ FFDGPET/CT at baseline (PET0) and after three cycles(PET3), with no therapy change based on the latter scan.These scans were interpreted by three observers usingthe Deauville five-point scale and ΔSUVmax betweenPET0 and PET3 was calculated. Interpretations wereevaluated for interobserver agreement and forprogression-free survival (PFS) prediction. Results Median follow-up was 18 months. PET/CT was predictiveof outcome when interpreted with the Deauville criteriaand ΔSUVmax. Using the five-point scale, the overallkappa value was 0.72 with the reference background setin the liver (score ≥4) and interobserver agreement waseven better using a 68% ΔSUVmax cut-off (κ = 0.81).Moreover, the prognostic value of interim PET wasslightly inferior when using a Deauville score ≥4 thanwhen using a 66% ΔSUVmax cut-off: forthe Deauville score the 3-year PFS estimate was 65% (50-78%) in PET3-positive patients vs. 80% (73-89%) in PET3-negative patients (P = 0.002); for the 66% ΔSUVmax cutoffthe 3-year PFS estimate was 48% (36- 64%) in PET3-positive patients vs. 77% (68-86%) in PET3- negativepatients (P = 0.001). Conclusion Clinical: Haematology
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