Abstract book - ESTRO meets Asia
S75 ESTRO meets Asia 2018
Results RESULTS: 4year DFS in group A is 78.94% &in group B 82.70%(p value>0.05%) .4 year OS in group A 81.20% &in group B 85.70%(pv alue>0.05).Considering the adverse reactions there is no statistically significant difference in both the arms. Conclusion Conclusion: in carcinoma breast where radiotherapy used in adjuvant setting Hypofractionated protocol is comparable to conventional protocol in terms of OS DFS &local control and adverse reactions. There is no statistically significant difference in between the two protocol.IN our centre we usually prefer hypofractionated regimen in breast cancer as adjuvant treatment. PO-187 Hypofractionated radiotherapy in breast cancer: Experience from a cancer center of Bangladesh A.R. Chowdhury 1 , N. Rukhsana 2 , M. Rahman 2 , S.R. Malik 2 , P.A. Banu 2 1 Delta Hospital Limited, Oncology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2 Delta Hospital Limited, Oncology, Dhaka, Bangladesh Purpose or Objective Standard fractionation of radiotherapy in breast cancer is 50 Gy in 25 fractions over 5 weeks to the chest wall or whole breast irradiation followed by tumor bed boost as a part of breast conservation therapy. The hypofractionated regime has been tested in multiple randomized trials and has shown comparable results to that of standard fractionation. Hypofractionated radiotherapy for post- operative breast cancer patients is safe, effective and more convenient and it might be beneficial for patients of developing countries where resources are limited. We conducted this study to determine whether a hypofractionated schedule of radiotherapy in postoperative breast cancer is as effective as conventional fractionation in terms of safety and efficacy. Material and Methods Patients who received hypofractionated radiotherapy to the breast or chest wall with or without regional nodal irradiation between 1st January 2013 to 31st December 2016 were reviewed. The patients were treated with 3DCRT, LINAC, 6 MV photon and appropriate electron energy. 4320 cGy total radiation was given in 16 fractions @ 270 cGy per fraction over three weeks. In case of BCT, tumor bed boost of 810 cGy over 3 fractions was given. Supraclavicular radiotherapy was given in node-positive case with the same dose. Results 108 patients were treated out of which 31 patients in the breast conservation therapy group and 77 in the postmastectomy radiation therapy group. Minimal post treatment acute morbidity was observed. A hundred patients (92.5%) had grade-I acute skin toxicity, three patients (2.7%) had grade-II and 5 patients (4.6%) had grade III acute skin reaction. 99 patients are on regular follow up. In comparison to historical controls, toxicity was lower in the hypofractionated regime and there was no history of treatment interruption. Till now no single patients came with local recurrence but 5 patients came with distant metastasis and died. Conclusion Hypofractionated radiotherapy is as safe and effective as conventionally fractionated radiotherapy. Reduced treatment time of hypofractionated regime improves patient compliance and satisfaction and also the ideal choice for resource-limited settings. PO-188 Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer: An Indian experience A. Sen 1 , S. Mallik 1 , J. Goswami 1 , S. Das 1 , M. Mondal 1 , S. Sheet 2 , S. Ferdinand 1 , B. Pal 1 , S. Das 1 , S. Palit 1 ,
underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and surgery followed by RT. Irradiation was delivered to the chest (or breast) and regional lymph nodes with IMNI (n=472) and without IMNI (n=401), respectively. The effects of IMNI on disease-free survival (DFS) and local regional recurrence (LRR) were evaluated by Kaplan-Meier method and compared using the log-rank test. Prognostic factors associated with survival were evaluated by univariate and multivariate analysis. Results With the median follow-up time of 96 months (range: 4 – 139 months), 873 patients have been identified and retrospectively evaluated. The median age of all patients was 48.9 years old (range, 23-76 years). Chemotherapy was given in all patients of which 227 patients received neoadjuvant therapy. Targeted therapy including Herceptin and Lapatinib was administrated in 79 patients. Baseline characteristics were balanced except that patient with IMNI had more advanced pathological N stage (p=0.049) and more likely to receive MRM (p<0.001). Mean DFS was 98.72 months in none-IMNI group and 114.66 months in IMNI group, respectively (log-rank p<0.001 ). Multivariate analysis showed N stage (HR=1.201, 95%CI: 1.044-1.383) and IMNI (HR=0.682, 95%CI: 0.522-0.891) were independent predictors in terms of DFS. In terms of locoregional control, IMNI significantly reduced IMN recurrence (OR=0.145, p=0.044) and improved LRR (RR= 0.282, p<0.001). Conclusion IMNI improved DFS and locoregional control in all breast cancer patients who received surgery and postoperative RT. Further prospective studies are warranted to identify the effect of IMNI in the NAC setting. PO-186 Hypofractionation in breast cancer-A Retrospective study in aTribal based rural medical college S. Acharyya 1 , B. Dr Bidisha Ghosh 2 1Apollo Gleneagles Hospital Kolkata, Radiation Oncology, kolkata, India 2SSKM Kolkata, radiation oncology, Kolkata, India Purpose or Objective INTRODUCTION-It is a retrospective study conducted in department of radiotherapy in Bankura Sammilani Medical College --a Tribal based rural medical college in westbengal India from May 2012 to April 2017. IN this area carcinoma cervix is the commonest maignancy in female though carcinoma breast incidence is also increasing.carcinoma breast constitutes 26.6%ofall female malignancy in this medical college.Usuall it presentsin a Locally adanced stage.Surgical management in maximum cases(97.74%) consists of MRM(modified radical mastectomy)as people still beleive here that remoal of diseased breast cures the cancer so that they usually opt for MRM even in cases where BCS(breast conservation surgery) is a better option.Radiotherapy in all cases used as Adjuvant treatment either as conventional or in a Hypofractionated protocol. Aims and objectives To compare conventional RT(Radiotherapy) Regimen (50 Gy in 25 #) with one hypofractionated regimen (40 Gy in15#) in stage 2 & stage3 breast cancer as adjuvant treatment in terms of overall survival (OS) and disease- free survival (DFS) &Adverse reactions Material and Methods Total number of patients included in this study was 302.All cases are biopsy prooved infiltratrating duct carcinoma breast. Out of these thirtysix patients failed to follow up.so total twohundred thirtysix(236) patients were evaluated.They were divided in two groups.Group A(conventional)& IN group B(hypofraction).Both the group includesone hundred&thirty three (133) patients each.
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