Advanced Physics for Brachytherapy 2018

Monte Carlo for TPS? ✓ egs_brachy (EGSnrc): Chamberland et al 2016 Phys. Med. Biol. 61 8214

o includes a library of geometry models for many brachytherapy sources, in addition to eye plaques and applicators o offers extensive capabilities and options (comensurate to EGSnrc and its applications e.g.: complex geometries can be modelled using the built-in elementary and composite geometries of egs++, DOSXYZnrc can be used to prepare a rectilinear phantom by a CT dataset in egsphant file format, EGS_AutoEnvelope, can be used to inscribe copies of a source geometry inside a phantom) but no front end GUI (so experience with EGS is required)

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