Annual report 2017


The radiation oncology safety and quality committee (ROSCQ) convened several times during the year to discuss the development and launch of the revamped ‘radiation oncology safety education and information system’ (the ROSEIS platform, formerly the ROSIS reporting tool). The committee, and the platform, which were developed to facilitate the exchange on safety and quality within the radiotherapy community, continues to engage with the project and new developments. Representatives from the group have participated in a number of external meetings in 2017. They are listed below.

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) meetings:

Consultative meeting on ‘Strengthening of safety culture in radiotherapy through the use of incident learning systems’ 10-13October 2017 | Vienna, Austria Themeeting included presentations from the AAPM, ASN and IAEA, providing insights on radiotherapy incidents and safety culture. Some of the major incidents in radiotherapy were highlighted as learning opportunities, with comparisons made to the aviation industry. The importance of patient involvement in the process was also noted, as well as local radiation safety ‘champions’, including physicians, medical physicists and radiation therapists. There was a general consensus on the need to share learning from incidents in order to benefit the wider radiotherapy community.



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