Annual report 2017
ARTFORCE Adaptive and innovative Radiation Treatment FOR improving Cancer patients’treatment outcomE
COORDINATED BY the Netherlands Cancer Institute
GRANT AGREEMENT nr. 257144 under FP7 of the European commission
(NKI-AVL) Amsterdam
Work package 5 Biomarkers for response prediction in head &neck tumours to cetuximab, cisplatin and radiotherapy provided important prognostic and predictive information: • PAR and PDXK are predictive biomarkers in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) • for head and neck cancer radiomics features provided an added value to human papillomaviruses (HPV) status as prognostic and predictive biomarker treated with the combinedmodality radiotherapy with cisplatin or cetuximab Work package 6 S tandardisation and innovative molecular imaging for prediction and decision-making: • A sub-regional analysis for multiparametric imaging in NSCLC showed the potential of sub-region classification as a biomarker for prognosis • A data-driven methodology was developed to predict hypoxia levels and hypoxia spatial patterns using CT, fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET, and dynamic contrast enhanced (DCE)- CT features in NSCLC
AIM The aim of the project is the improvement of quality and therapeutic ratio in head and neck, and lung cancer treatment in randomised phase II trials. ACHIEVEMENTS IN 2017 Work package 2 Adaptive radiotherapy to account for anatomical changes: • Cone beam CT-based dose recalculation was shown to be more accurate than in vivo dosimetry • A decision rule was developed to select patients for adaptive re-planning • A database for dose accumulation was established Work package 3 Biological adaptive treatment planning in the presence of advanced techniques: Demonstrated that at week two of treatment it is now possible to estimate the radiosensitivity using functional imaging, thus predicting the required radiation dose.
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