Annual report 2017
National societies’ meeting
The annual national societies’ meeting at ESTRO 36 hosted 60 participants from 21 countries. The meeting provides an opportunity for national societies’ presidents and representatives to be updated on ESTRO activities, share the needs of their societies and offer input into each other’s work. HERO was one of the main topics discussed, along with research opportunities, new platforms, collaborative initiatives such as ROSEIS (Radiation Oncology Safety Education and Information System) and DIRAC (DIrectory of RAdiotherapy Centres), and developments in ESTRO activities, particularly in relation to the ESTRO School and public affairs.
HERO workshop
The national societies are the intended end-users of the HERO costing model, and their needs and input was vital in the conceptualisation of the model. The model was presented to national society representatives at a workshop inDecember 2017, attended by 26 people from18 countries.The attendees included radio-oncologists, medical physicists and radiation therapists. The workshop provided an opportunity for national societies and interested parties to familiarise themselves with the costing model and its methodology. Further training and roll-out of the model is planned for 2018.
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