Cervix BT - 2016

SUMMARY – EXAMPLE T2W MRI at BT from Rad. Onc. Perspective

1. No free FL uid 2. No O rgan P erforation (or uterine perforation)

Rule out FLOP Set the STAGE for contourig

1. S ize of the tumor:

• 8 cm 3 (ellipsoid formula) • Regression to Proportional V: PV = 20 % initial V 2. T opography: unfavourable due to right parametrial extension. 3. A dequate insertion geometry. 4. G rey zones correspond to initial infiltrative tumor: proximal third of right parametrium, dorsally. 5. “ E xtra”: 1. No necrosis.

2. BT-related primary tumour findings reported. 3. Lymph nodes and other details not assessed.


Petric P Journal of Contemporary Brachytherapy 2014

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