Course book Advanced Treatment Planning 2018

Parameters for clinical outcome: Salivary glands

Irradiation type (partial organ unless otherwise stated)

Dose (Gy), or dose/volume parameters

Volume segmented

Notes on dose/volume parameters


Rate (%)

Long term parotid salivary function reduced to <25% of pre- RT level Long term parotid salivary function reduced to <25% of pre- RT level Long term parotid salivary function reduced to <25% of pre- RT level

Bilateral whole parotid glands

For combined parotid glands


Mean dose <25


Unilateral whole parotid gland

For single parotid gland. At least one parotid gland spared to <20 Gy


Mean dose <20


For combined parotid glands

Bilateral whole parotid glands


Mean dose <39


• Severe xerostomia is related to additional factors including the doses to the submandibular glands • But submandibular glands should be included in the CTV for Ib nodes irradiation (oropharynx, oral cavity, N3)

Deasy JO et al. Radiation Dose-Volume effects on the salivary gland function. Int. J. Radiation Oncology Biol. Phys., Vol. 76, No. 3, Supplement, pp. S58–S63, 2010.

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