Dose Course 2018_Flipping book

Recommended reading


•ESTRO Booklet nº1. Methods for in vivo dosimetry in External Radiotherapy. www.estro-

•ESTRO Booklet nº5. Practical Guidelines for the Implementation of in vivo dosimetry with diodes in external radiotherapy with photon beams. • AAPM report 87, “ Diode in vivo dosimetry for patients receiving external beam radiation therapy ” Report of Task Group 62 of the Radiation Therapy Committee, ” Medical Physics Publishing. (2005).

Diodes and MOSFET

N. Jornet, P. Carrasco, D. Jurado, a Ruiz, T. Eudaldo, and M. Ribas, “ Comparison study of MOSFET detectors and diodes for entrance in vivo dosimetry in 18 MV x-ray beams, ” Med.Phys., vol. 31,, p. 2534. (2004)


•Van Elmpt, W. et al. “ A literature review of electronic portal imaging for radiotherapy dosimetry ” . Radiother. Oncol. 88(3), pp.289-309. (2008) •S.M.J.J.G. Nijsten, B.J. Mijnheer, et al. “ Routine individualised patient dosimetry using electronic portal imaging devices., ” Radiother and oncol, vol. 83, pp. 65-75.(2007)


•Higgins, P.D. et al. “ In vivo diode dosimetry for routine quality assurance in IMRT ” . Med. Phys., 30(12), pp.3118. (2003) •Kadesjö, T. Nyholm, and J. Olofsson, “ A practical approach to diode based in vivo dosimetry for intensity modulated radiotherapy., ” Radiother. and oncol., vol. 98, pp. 378-81 (2011)

Implantable MOSFET

•T.M. Briere, M.T. Gillin, and a S. Beddar, “ Implantable MOSFET detectors: Evaluation of a new design, ” Med.l Phys., vol. 34, pp. 4585. (2007) •G.P. Beyer, C.W. Scarantino, et al., “ Technical evaluation of radiation dose delivered in prostate cancer patients as measured by an implantable MOSFET dosimeter., ” Int. J. Radiat. Oncol. biol. Phys., vol. 69, pp. 925-35. (2007)

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