Dose Course 2018_Flipping book

Detector performance out of field

• Waterproof FC best agreement with MC

• Gafchromic was difficult to reproduce and noisy

• Edge and Photon diode (shielded)

• Over-response of electron diode previously reported (Gersh et al)

• Exradin Wi plastic scintillator

– Near water equivalent, high spatial resolution, energy independence

– Did not perform well (cable irradiated? Correction for Cerenkov?)

• MicroLion slight underestimation cf MC (lower Z, variation of stopping power ratio)

• Pinpoint: over respond cf MC (Agnostinelli previously described

• TLD: Lower than MC (measured in WEP?)

• MicroDiamond: overresponse cf MC. Good agreement with photon diode

• All agreed 2% global (CAX) dose. Up to 70% local agreement

• FC within 5% mostly all depths and distances. Good choice for out of field


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