Dose Course 2018_Flipping book

First appearance

Schoknecht, G. (1971). "Die Beschreibung von Strahlenfeldern durch Separierung von Primär- und Streustrahlung IV. Berechnung von Streuverteilungen für parallele Photonenstrahlenfelder." Strahlentherapie 141(3): 326-331.

Equivalent field derivation

Bjärngard, B. E. and R. L. Siddon (1982). "A note on equivalent circles, squares, and rectangles." Medical Physics 9(2): 258-260.

How to apply in TPS

Mohan, R. and C. S. Chui (1987). "Use of fast Fourier transforms in calculating dose distributions for irregularly shaped fields for three-dimensional treatment planning." Med Phys 14(1): 70-77.

Ahnesjö, A., M. Saxner and A. Trepp (1992). "A pencil beam model for photon dose calculation." Med Phys 19(2): 263-273. Oncentra

Bourland, J. D. and E. L. Chaney (1992). "A finite-size pencil beam model for photon dose calculations in three dimensions." Medical Physics 19(6): 1401-1412. Bortfeld, T., W. Schlegel and B. Rhein (1993). "Decomposition of pencil beam kernels for fast dose calculations in three-dimensional treatment planning." Medical Physics 20(2): 311-318. Voxelplan, RayStation Storchi, P. and E. Woudstra (1996). "Calculation of the absorbed dose distribution due to irregularly shaped photon beams using pencil beam kernels derived form basic beam data." Physics in Medicine & Biology 41(4): 637-656. Cadplan

Ulmer, W. and Harder, D. (1995) ”A Triple Gaussian Pencil Beam Model for Photon Beam Treatment Planning”, Zeit. Med. Physik 5 25–30 AAA

Tillikainen, L. Siljamäki, L., Helminen, H., Alakuijala, J., and Pyyry, J., (2007) ”Determination of parameters for a multiple-source model of megavoltage photon beams using optimization methods” Phys. Med. Biol. 52 1441–1467 AAA

Optimization vehicle

Gustafsson, A., B. K. Lind and A. Brahme (1994). "A generalized pencil beam algorithm for optimization of radiation therapy." Medical Physics 21(3): 343-356.


Knöös, T., A. Ahnesjö, P. Nilsson and L. Weber (1995). "Limitations of a pencil beam approach to photon dose calculations in lung tissue." Phys Med Biol 40(9): 1411-1420.

Experimental kernel data

Ceberg, C. P., B. E. Bjarngard and T. C. Zhu (1996). "Experimental determination of the dose kernel in high-energy x-ray beams." Medical Physics 23(4): 505-511.

QA usage

Nyholm, T., J. Olofsson, A. Ahnesjö and M. Karlsson (2006). "Photon pencil kernel parameterisation based on beam quality index." Radiother Oncol 78(3): 347-351.

Probalistic planning

Tilly, D. and A. Ahnesjö (2015). "Fast dose algorithm for generation of dose coverage probability for robustness analysis of fractionated radiotherapy." Physics in Medicine and Biology 60(14): 5439-5454.

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