ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Results A total of 102 physicians completed the survey (response rate of 22%); response was received from seven different centers. Fifty-three percent of the responders worked with RT on a weekly basis. Only five responders were from oncology departments without RT facilities. Most responders were specialists in clinical oncology (64%), 30% were clinical oncology trainees and 2% were specialists in medical oncology. The remaining 4% were specialist in palliative medicine or in unclassified positions. A majority (93%) of the responders were convinced that cure or long-term survival could be achieved with an ablative strategy for selected patients with OMD. Treatment of up to three metastases was the preferred limit (43%). Only 7% would consider treating up to five metastases. There was no apparent disagreement between responders working with RT and those only referring to RT (Figure 1). Among different cancer types, the responders found that patients with colorectal-, breast-, lung-, prostate-, and renal cell cancers were most suitable for an ablative treatment strategy (Figure 2). Conclusion In general, the responders had confidence in an ablative treatment strategy for selected patients with OMD. The preferred selection parameters regarding primary tumors and number of metastases match the clinical setting most often studied and reported in the literature. The results from this survey will be used as basis to reach a national concensus

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