ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Results Despite the sharp rise in RT publications, the proportion of RT articles relative to alternative cancer therapies decreased from 64% (2,221 articles) in 1970 to 31% (18,284) in 2019. Conversely, 4% of articles dealt with chemotherapy in 1970 against 30% 50 years later. The proportion of first authors not publishing as last authors increased from 58% in 1970 to 84% in 2000. The median [Q1-Q3-90 th ] number of previous publications per first author was 2[2-2-15] and 2[2-7-14] for last authors in 1985 which increased to 5[2-13-34] and 16[5-38-80] in 2019. Between 1990 and 2019, Africa totalled 0.5-1% of the global research output while South America remained <2%. During the 30 years studied, the contribution of Europe and North America decreased from 47 to 42% and 38 to 26%, respectively. Conversely, the proportion of articles from Asia more than doubled increasing from 12 to 26%. Oceania followed a similar trend with an increase from 1.7 to 3.3%.

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