ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book
ESTRO 2021
Conclusion The wide variations in organ motion and applied margin sizes in pediatric patients as summarized in this systematic review, might be caused by diverse variables involved that hamper the use of standardized margins. More research is needed to increase the knowledge on organ and tumor motion in children to account for geometrical uncertainties. PO-1736 Using the DcmCollab Audit Tool to support quality assurance of clinical radiotherapy trials S. Krogh 1 , C. Brink 1,2 , E. Samsøe 3 , E. Lorenzen 1 , C. Grau 4,5 , C.R. Hansen 1,2,5 1 Odense University Hospital, Lab. Of Radiation Physics, Odense, Denmark; 2 University Of Southern Denmark, Clinical Institute, Odense, Denmark; 3 Zealand University Hospital, Naestved Sygehus, Department Of Radiation Oncology, Naestved, Denmark; 4 Aarhus University Hospital, Department Of Oncology, Aarhus, Denmark; 5 Aarhus University Hospital, Danish Centre For Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark Purpose or Objective Dose plan and contour audit trials are often a cumbersome process which has limited the number of audit trials performed. A novel tool for generating and distributing anonymized DICOM data for audit trials has been developed as a part of the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center for Radiotherapy ( workgroup 13 – Clinical trials quality assurance platform. Since 2019, the tool has facilitated both generating, distributing, and collecting data for 10+ delineation and planning audits. Materials and Methods The Audit Tool is integrated in the DcmCollab system, which is a national radiotherapy (RT) dose plan bank. DcmCollab allows all the RT centers in Denmark to communicate using the DICOM protocol on isolated network connections. Having selected the clinical cases for the trial in the local planning system the audit leader exports the DICOM data to DcmCollab. Using the DcmCollab web interface the audit leader selects the data and participating centers. The Audit Tool performs an in-house developed DICOM anonymization on the clinical case to generate independent anonymized copies for the participating centers. For easier management of the data returned from the centers, each copy has its separate patient ID and set of DICOM instance UIDs that all adhere to the DICOM standard. This process takes less than 30 min. Participants at each center are able to handle the data within their local treatment planning system and return the processed data directly to DcmCollab. To facilitate the collection of the returned data, DcmCollab registers the IDs and UIDs as a part of the audit study in DcmCollab before they are exported to the participating centers. Results The audit tool has facilitated more than 10 studies (Table 1) in the short time it has been available, one of which has already been published as an article, and many more are expected to follow. The published study resulted in a unified set of heart delineation guidelines across all the relevant Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups. The remaining audits have been used to change and validate contouring guidelines in several clinical cancer groups. Data generated by the Audit Tool is also used for training new staff in contouring and treatment planning.
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