ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Results The prototype of the tool was launched after tests in 5 different TPSs. In spring 2020 a pilot was carried out with 9 students (Fig. 2.) delineating a pelvis and a thorax set, with 9 OARs in total. Keeping track of observers was challenging as TPS tended to modify DICOM fields, especially the patient ID. The assessment of the delineation quality is time-consuming, but the visualisation is without latency. In the academic year 2020- 2021, the tool was improved and implemented in the curriculum for 3 rd and 4 th year’s students. All students were able to submit, visualise and evaluate their work without the interaction of a lecturer. In the 2 nd semester of this year, the tool will be used to give each participating student individual automated feedback. Conclusion We developed a web-based tool integrated into an LMS that handles DICOM datasets to perform delineation, and provide automated feedback on the quality of work. Visualisation, quantification and feed-back upon delineation tasks are important means for improving the skills of students and to gain insight into the

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