ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

The arrhythmogenic region (CTV) in the heart was different for each patient, in terms of localization (septal, infero-basal, infero-lateral) and volume (14.9 to 69.9 cm 3 ). Compared to the CTV, the cardiac ITV was increased in volume up to 82%, and the cardio-respiratory ITV up to 245%. The relative contribution of both motions was highly patient-specific. For 3 out of 4 patients, the contribution of cardiac motion was larger than the one of respiratory motion. Conclusion In cardiac radioablation, the impact of both cardiac and respiratory motions on target volumes is high and very patient-specific. The cardiac motion has to be considered and combined with respiratory motion when defining the planning target volume. We proposed a workflow to generate cardio-respiratory ITV based on respiratory and cardiac 4D images. PD-0892 Patient specific evaluation of breathing motion induced interplay effect M. Varasteh 1 , A. Mohammad Ali 2 , S. Esteve 3 , F. Göpfert 4 , P. Jeevanandam 3 , A.R. Hounsell 3,1 , C.K. McGarry 3 , C. K McGarry 1 1 Queen's University Belfast, Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research, Belfast, United Kingdom; 2 Queen's University Belfast, School of Mathematics and Physics, Belfast, United Kingdom; 3 Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Radiotherapy Physics, Belfast, United Kingdom; 4 PTW-Freiburg, The Dosimetry Company, Freiburg, Germany Purpose or Objective To implement a comprehensive methodology for individual pre-treatment estimation of the maximum dosimetric discrepancies caused by the interplay effect. This moving-platform-free approach can further be used for verification of VMAT plans. Materials and Methods In-house software has been developed to convert breathing position into a translation file, which in conjunction with a novel 3D dose reconstruction algorithm (alpha version) of the plan verification software VeriSoft (PTW-Freiburg, Germany), can be applied to measurements from a stationary OCTAVIUS 4D phantom (PTW-Freiburg, Germany) to allow dose reconstruction as if the phantom was moving. The developed software gives the possibility to define motion patterns with exact beam starting phases, enabling comparisons between reconstructed doses with different beam starting points (essential for interplay investigations). To validate our approach, 5 VMAT lung plans were measured with the stationary OCTAVIUS 4D. The same plans were then measured using the Varian TrueBeam developer mode (DM) to continuously move the treatment couch following a sinusoid wave (amplitude of 25 mm, period of 4s and 20s) with beam starting at 0% (end- inhalation) and 50% (end-exhalation) respiratory phases. Using the novel dose reconstruction method and the in-house developed software, static measurements were reconstructed with the same sinusoidal breathing pattern and beam starting phases. Gamma analysis of the motion-corrected stationary measurements was performed against those moving with a criterion of 2% dose difference and 2mm distances to agreement. To estimate the interplay effect, 13 lung SABR patients were investigated by comparing the motion-corrected static measurements starting at 0% respirational phase versus 50% using simple sinusoidal motion patterns. This was repeated using four different QUASAR breathing patterns representing more realistic tumour motions. Results The validation analysis showed ≥99% of voxels passing a gamma criterion of 2%/2mm comparing the virtually moved dose distributions with the ones affected through real DM motion (Figure 1). For the interplay effect estimation using sinusoidal breathing patterns, the gamma results disclosed that >92% of points in the dose matrices meet the 2%/2mm criteria for >25 number of breaths (NBs) per delivery time (Figure 2). In case of the realistic breathing patterns, the threshold was found to be lower (>18 NBs).

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