ESTRO 2021 Abstract Book


ESTRO 2021

Conclusion In patients with esophageal cancer, PBS results in significantly lower radiation exposure to the whole heart and cardiac substructures (except for the right descending posterior branch) than IMRT. However, further long-term studies are needed to determine how this cardiac sparing effect impacts the development of coronary heart disease and other cardiac events.

Poster discussions: Poster discussion 29: Accuracy in computing dose

PD-0896 Dosimetric leaf gap and leaf trailing effect in a double-stacked multi-leaf collimator V. Hernandez 1 , J. Saez 2 , A. Angerud 3 , R. Cayez 4 , C. Khamphan 5 , D. Nguyen 6 , L. Vieillevigne 7 , V. Feygelman 8 1 Hospital Sant Joan de Reus, Medical Physics, Reus, Spain; 2 Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Department of Radiation Oncology, Barcelona, Spain; 3 RaySearch Laboratories AB, Research Department, Stockholm, Sweden; 4 Oscar Lambret Center, Medical Physics, Lille, France; 5 Institut Sainte-Catherine, Medical Physics, Avignon, France; 6 Centre de Radiotherapie de Macon, Medical Physics, Macon, France; 7 Institut Claudius Regaud, Institut Universitaire du Cancer de Toulouse, Centre de Recherche et de Cancerologie de Toulouse, Medical Physics, Toulouse, France; 8 Mott Cancer Center, Radiation Oncology, Tampa, USA

Purpose or Objective To investigate (i) the dosimetric leaf gap (DLG) and the effect of the ‘trailing distance' between leaves from

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