ESTRO 2022 - Abstract Book


Abstract book

ESTRO 2022

Table 1. In-silico assessment of the OSL out-of-field over-response (R) in 2 monoenergetic beams representative for an out- of-field and in-field photon energy spectrum. Phosphor concentration (%) R OSL /R Water (115 KeV) R OSL /R Water (1.25 MeV) 5.2 (A) 1.61(MC)/1.54(Zeff) 0.91(MC)/1.15(Zeff) 6.5 (B) 1.84(MC)/1.61(Zeff) 0.91(MC)/1.13(Zeff) 10 (C) 2.17(MC)/2.00(Zeff) 0.90(MC)/1.20(Zeff) Conclusion The in-silico assessment of the out-of-field over-response shows a correlation with the Z-effective calculation as well as the MC simulations. Both methodologies can be utilized to evaluate the energy dependence for new OSL material. The Z- effective could be used for a quick assessment, but MC can cope with non-homogeneous layers as well (future work). The out-of-field spectra were provided by the team of Prof. Dr. Stephen Kry of MD Anderson . The Z eff calculator is produced by ML Taylor, et al., Med. Phys. 39 (2012) 1769-1778

PO-1540 10-Year review of Linac QA Times at a large cancer centre

S. Weston 1 , C. Timms 1 , J. Briston 2 , A. Esmail 1

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