ESTRO 2022 - Abstract Book
Abstract book
ESTRO 2022
Results The median follow-up was 50,62 months (range 3-106). To 3 years the OS, CSS, LRFS and LC was 85,3%, 100%, 97,3% and 93,3% (23 lesions locally relapse) respectively. Differences in OS were observed in ECOG and age >80 years (p: 0.00). No differences were observed in LC. 6,4% had severe acute skin toxicity. Conjunctival toxicity appeared in 7,6% pts. Cosmetic results were considered as excellent/good in 93,3% pts. Conclusion In patients with NMSC early stage, plesiotherapy is a good alternative treatment for non-surgical patients. Plesiotherapy treatment provides excellent long-term results for local control and cosmesis which is a safe and attractive treatment option.
PO-1808 High rate brachytherapy in the treatment of non-melanoma skin cancer.
M.A. González Ruiz 1 , J. Saavedra Bejarano 1 , J. Quirós Rivero 2
1 University Hospital Virgen Macarena, Radiation Oncology, Seville, Spain; 2 University Hospital of Badajoz, Radiation Oncology, Badajoz, Spain Purpose or Objective Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is one of the most frequent skin tumors, being its most frequent diagnosis in elderly patients. The mortality rate of this type of tumor is low, but nevertheless, it can be associated with great morbidity in terms of cosmetic and functional results. Surgical treatment is now considered the standard, but its approach may not be suitable for all patients. High-dose brachytherapy (BT-HDR) has achieved good rates of local control and aesthetic results. Within this treatment modality, plesiotherapy using individualized molds is presented as a safe and comfortable option, especially in elderly patients. We present the results in terms of local control (LC), aesthetic results and toxicity in patients with NMSC treated with BT-HDR, plesiotherapy modality; with radical or adjuvant intention. Materials and Methods Retrospective study of 194 pts with 246 NMSC lesions, stage T1 (78.9%) and T2 (21.1%) in treatment from May 2015 to May 2017. BT-HDR treatment (6 Gy / fraction, total dose 42 Gy) was used in 88.2% patients with an equivalent dose of 2 Gy (EQD2) of 56 Gy. All lesions were limited in depth of 3-4 mm. The median age was 79 years (range 29-97), being 61.4% men and 38.6% women. Basal cell carcinoma (85.8%) was the most frequent histological type. 39.1% of the lesions were treated with Valencia applicators and 42.7% with individualized handmade molds. Results The LC was 95.1%. Of the 246 lesions treated, 12 presented relapse in the treatment field (4.88%). There were no differences in terms of CL related to the type of applicator used (p 0.910) and neither with stage T (p 0.149). Most of the patients had grade 1-2 acute skin toxicity. Conjunctival toxicity appeared in 8.9% of the patients (22 patients). Cosmetic results were considered excellent / very good in all patients. In the cosmetic result, pigmentation changes, the appearance or not of alopecia, ulceration or edema, and the appearance of telangiectasia were evaluated. Conclusion Plesiotherapy treatment is a good treatment alternative that provides excellent local control results and in aesthetic terms (similar to the main BT-HDR studies). It also facilitates compliance with treatment thanks to its comfort and good tolerance, which is very important in elderly patients. BT-HDR is a safe and attractive treatment option for non-surgical patients or when cosmetic results are not good after surgery that must be taken into account when treating these types of injuries.
PO-1809 Skin high dose rate brachytherapy : safety and survival data
A. Bordron 1 , P. Clavère 1
1 Chu Limoges, Radiotherapy, Limoges, France
Purpose or Objective Skin high dose rate brachytherapy is an effective treatment for the management of cutaneous metastases of cancers or for primary cutaneous cancers. There is limited literature in terms of survival and safety data.This is why we propose an analysis of the different cases treated at the University Hospital of Limoges. Materials and Methods We collected data from lesions treated with high dose rate brachytherapy from December 2000 to February 2019, within the University Hospital of Limoges. We analyzed survival data (local recurrence) as well as tolerance data (overall acute toxicities, grade I-II and grade III and grade IV) within the overall population as well as within 2 subgroups (primary skin cancers and skin metastases). We analysed the correlation of histology and gender with toxicity data.
Results We collected data from 127 skin lesions.
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