ESTRO 2022 - Abstract Book
Abstract book
ESTRO 2022
Conclusion By employing parallel-processing, error mitigation, and novel tools and setups in a targeted approach, it is possible to have an efficient CT-based prostate HDR workflow that can rival the efficiency of ultrasound-based prostate HDR BT or even low-dose rate (LDR) BT. This has obvious implications for patient comfort/quality of life and radiation oncology departmental efficiency.
PO-1814 mpRMI-guided transperineal prostate biopsy: analysis of PIRADS and Gleason result
M. Herrera Román 1 , M. Sánchez Belda 1 , P. Valencia Nieto 1 , D. Miguel Pérez 1 , P. Alonso Martínez 1 , J.M. de Frutos Baraja 1 , I. Solís Navarro 1 , L. Cardoso Rubio 1 , A. Casado Camacho 2 , R. Jaraiz Díaz 1 , L. Rodríguez Mínguez 1 , M.G. Morgade Yllera 1 , D. Rodríguez Domínguez 3 , P. Diezhandino García 1 1 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Radiation Oncology, Valladolid, Spain; 2 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Radiation Oncology, Valadolid, Spain; 3 Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Radiation oncology, Valladolid, Spain Purpose or Objective To assess the relationship between PIRADS in multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and the Gleason result in a sample of 69 patients using mpMRI-guided transperineal prostate biopsy in the diagnosis of prostate cancer. Materials and Methods Retrospective descriptive study of 69 patients who underwent biopsy in 2020, with a total of 91 suspects nodules to be analyzed, PSA between 2.68 and 26.9 ng/ml and suspicious mpMRI. Results 91 nodules were analyzed. 43 (47.78%) had a positive result for malignancy, 43 (47.78%) had a negative result, 4 (4.44%) had a negative result for malignancy, with high-grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PIN). Results of 16 PIRADS-3 nodules: Gleason 6 (3+3) 4 nodules (25%), negative in 12 nodules (75%). Results of 61 PIRADS-4 nodules: Gleason 6 (3+3) 6 nodules (6%), Gleason 7 (3+4) 10 nodules (16.39%), Gleason 7 (4+3) 13 nodules (21.31%), negative 32 nodules (52.46%). Results of 14 PIRADS-5 nodules: Gleason 6 (3+3) 1 nodule (7.14%), Gleason 7 (3+4) 4 nodules (28.57%), Gleason 7 (4+3) 5 nodules (35.71%), Gleason 9 (4+5) 1 nodule (7.14%), negative 3 (21.43%). Conclusion In this study, the relationship between PIRADS and the pathological result is observed, so that, as the degree of radiological suspicion increases (PIRADS), the aggressiveness result (Gleason grade) is more significant. The ultrasound-guided biopsy with fusion with mpMRI allows directing the biopsy to the suspicious nodule and thus, increasing the sample's profitability, therefore, the most efficient technique in patients with a high radiological suspicion of prostate cancer. A transperineal biopsy guided by transrectal ultrasound with fusion-mpMRI was performed.
PO-1815 I-125 brachytherapy in low/intermediate risk prostate cancer according with NCCN and EAU guidelines
M.L. trigo 1 , P. fernandes 2 , S. garcia 2
1 IPO Porto, Brachytherapy, Porto, Portugal; 2 IPO Porto, brachytherapy, Porto, Portugal
Purpose or Objective Prostate cancer clinical guidelines are created by experts in each field, based on evidence, reality and clinical conditions in each region and/or country. However, there are discrepancies between these guidelines, namely risk stratification, which play a key role in the clinical practice. This retrospective study reviews the outcome of patients treated with monotherapy iodine-125 brachytherapy treatment (I-125 BT) with low and intermediate-risk prostate cancer, stratified by the by NCCN and EAU - EANM - ESTRO - ESUR - ISUP – SIOG (EAU) patient selection criteria, and analyze whether there is a correlation between different guideline selection criteria and treatment outcome. Materials and Methods This study included 250 patients with biopsy confirmed prostate cancer, treated with I 125 BT in a single tertiary center, between January 2013 and October 2016. The analysis was based on the definition of biochemical recurrence according to the Phoenix Consensus, and focused on the clinical baseline characteristics, relapse-free survival (RFS), disease-specific survival (DSS), and overall survival (OS). The impact of stratification based in NCCN or EAU guidelines on RFS, DSS and OS was assessed using log rank test for univariate analysis and the Cox regression for multivariate analysis. Statistical analysis was performed with SPSSv27.
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