ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


Sunday 14 May 2023

ESTRO 2023

Results Thirty-three patients were enrolled on the pre-ERP arm of this study, 28 (85%) completed baseline, 22 (67%) post-BT, and 21 (64%) follow-up PRO metrics. Prior to the start of CRT, the study cohort reported worse global health scores (41 vs 59, p<0.001), higher financial toxicity (51 vs 17, p<0.001), and more nausea/vomiting (27 vs. 11, p=0.001), compared to the reference population. The majority of women from our cohort described body dissatisfaction (70%), feeling less attractive (67%) or less feminine (60%). Throughout treatment and FU, mean global health scores declined. Physical functioning was significantly worse post-BT but improved at FU (82 (pre-CRT) vs 71 (post-BT) vs 80 (FU), p=0.03). Patients had high rates of appetite loss at baseline and post-BT but improved at FU (33 vs 41 vs 10, p=0.02) and increased diarrhea after BT (13 vs 41 vs 7, p=0.02) (Figure 1). At FU, women reported increase in sexual activity (+17, standard error (SE) 5.3) and higher menopausal symptom burden (+19, SE 7.4), but no significant improvement in sexual enjoyment, body image, or vaginal function. At FU, higher global health scores were associated with improved social function, physical function, and body image (Figure 2a). Superior body image scores were associated with less sexual worry, less menopausal symptoms and better vaginal function (Figure 2b).

Conclusion Women with gyn malignancies undergoing BT represent a population with high symptom burden, financial toxicity, and social stressors. These data have informed our standardized ERP, with accrual ongoing, which includes early referral to social work and nutrition, peri-operative carb-loading, goal-directed fluids, and opioid-sparing analgesia, with referral to physical/occupational therapy at FU.

PD-0415 Steerable needles enable HDR prostate BT for patients with pubic arch interference M. de Vries 1 , M. Christianen 2 , L. Luthart 2 , K. de Vries 2 , I. Kolkman-Deurloo 2 , J. van den Dobbelsteen 1

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