ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


Sunday 14 May 2023

ESTRO 2023

Conclusion Our focus in this analysis was the evaluation of the CDCs for different implementations of DDA. The results demonstrated good agreement of the CDCs, with a few exceptions, considering all the different approaches. This may have significant implications for potential future interventions or plan adaptations based on these metrics. OC-0618 Recommendations for validation and verification of deformable image registration in radiotherapy L. Bosma 1 , M. Hussein 2 , M. Jameson 3 , S. Asghar 4 , K. Brock 5 , J. McClelland 6 , S. Poeta 7 , J. Yuen 8,9 , C. Zachiu 1 , A. Yeo 10 1 University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiotherapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 2 National Physics Laboratory, Metrology for Medical Physics Centre, Teddington, United Kingdom; 3 GenesisCare, Radiation Oncology, Sydney, Australia; 4 Oncology Systems Limited, (OSL), Shrewsbury, United Kingdom; 5 The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Imaging Physics, Houston, USA; 6 University College London, Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, London, United Kingdom; 7 Institut Jules Bordet - Université Libre de Bruxelles, Medical Physics Department, Brussels, Belgium; 8 St George Hospital, Cancer Care Centre, Kogarah, Australia; 9 University of New South Wales, South Western Clinical School, Sydney, Australia; 10 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Physical Sciences, Melbourne, Australia Purpose or Objective Multiple tools and metrics are available for validation (commissioning) and verification (quality assurance) of deformable image registration (DIR), all with their own advantages and disadvantages in the context of radiotherapy. The use of tools should depend on the available input, desired output, time requirement, application and/or anatomical area. We present a consensus on reasoning for and recommendations on the choice of tools for validation and verification of DIR in specific situations. Materials and Methods Discussions were hosted by the ESTRO Physics Workshop in 2021 on Commissioning and Quality Assurance for DIR in Radiotherapy. We made a comprehensive overview of available metrics and tools and defined inputs, outputs, and limitations. A consensus was then reached on what (complementary) requirements were needed for either validation or verification of DIR for applications like contour-propagation or dose accumulation, and what tools and metrics are associated with this.

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