ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
Saturday 13 May
ESTRO 2023
Conclusion RT use in primary M0 breast cancer treatment increased until 2016 and slightly decreased afterwards. Clinical practice has de-escalated treatment as RT following BCS was more often omitted in older women, PBI use increased, and boost RT following post-BCS WBI strongly decreased. Boost RT varied for patient and disease characteristics and by region. N+ disease became frequently treated with regional RT instead of ALND, which use varied for women’s age, performance, disease characteristics, RT travel time and region of residence. MO-0139 Mepitel Film vs standard treatment for preventing radiotherapy skin toxicity: phase III study M. Valli 1 , D. Valcarenghi 2 , A. Tolotti 3 , H. Vees 4 , S. Liptrott 5 , A. Puliatti 6 , G. Presta 7 , V. Torri 8 , L. Moser 9 1 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera italiana, Radio-oncology, Bellinzona, Switzerland; 2 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera italiana, Ufficio Sviluppo e ricerca infermieristica , Bellinzona, Switzerland; 3 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana, Ufficio Sviluppo e ricerca infermieristica , Bellinzona, Switzerland; 4 Hirslanden Hospital , Radiation Oncology Klinik , Zurich, Switzerland; 5 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera italiana, Ufficio Sviluppo e ricerca infermieristica IOSI , Bellinzona, Switzerland; 6 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera Italiana, Radiation Oncology , Bellinzona, Switzerland; 7 Istituto Oncologico della Svizzera italiana, Radiation Oncology , Bellinzona, Switzerland; 8 Mario Negri , Istituto di Studi e Ricerche Farmacologiche , Milano, Italy; 9 Istituto oncologico della Svizzera italiana, Ufficio Sviluppo e ricerca infermieristica , Bellinzona, Switzerland This study aims to compare efficacy and patient comfort with the use of the Mepitel® Film dressing vs standard treatment (dressing with aqueous cream and antiseptic ointments) in women treated with adjuvant radiotherapy after breast surgery. The results of the study, if positive, may lead to a possible re-evaluation of treatment protocols currently in use. Primary Objective To compare the efficacy of Mepitel® Film and standard treatment with aqueous creams and antiseptic ointments in preventing the onset of radiotherapy skin toxicity (>/= grade 2, according to the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) score. Purpose or Objective Evidence supporting use of Mepitel Film for prophylaxis of radiation-induced skin toxicity is limited.
Secondary objectives Comparison of the two treatment arms in terms of: 1. time to onset of skin toxicity; 2. time to healing; 3. severity of acute and late skin toxicity; 4. patient satisfaction and comfort;
Materials and Methods The study, an open randomised controlled phase III trial, planned enrolment of 164 patients with breast cancer undergoing post-operative radiotherapy, assigned in a 1:1 ratio to one of two treatment arms. One group of patients received the Mepitel® Film dressing (experimental group) and one group (control group) received standard treatment currently in use at the Switzerland radiotherapy departments, as per Scientific Association of Swiss Radiation Oncologist (SASRO) guidelines. ( The study was registered in, number NCT02741258. The first patient was enrolled on 26/01/2016, and the last on 30/12/2020. Results
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