ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

Conclusion PSMA-PET allows treatment tailoring for oligorecurrent hormone-sensitive PCa patients, particularly MDT. Exclusive SBRT can delay ADT-initiation, and multiple SBRT rounds should be evaluated in selected patients. The optimal approach in this oncologic scenario remains to be defined. Along with modern molecular imaging, genetic predictors are set to recover a major role in treatment guidance.

PO-1457 Concordance of number and site of metastases with PET/CT vs conventional imaging in prostate cancer

H. Abdel-Aty 1 , N. Hujairi 2 , I. Murray 2 , N. van As 1 , N. James 1

1 Institute of Cancer Research. The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Radiotherapy and Imaging, London, United Kingdom; 2 The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Radiology and Nuclear medicine, London, United Kingdom Purpose or Objective PET/CT is more accurate than conventional imaging for staging prostate cancer. Limited data exists on PET/CT directed clinical outcomes. We aim to determine the per-patient concordance of PET/CT with conventional imaging based on the number and site of metastatic lesions, and explore the patterns of PET/CT directed treatment in newly diagnosed metastatic prostate cancer.

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