ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
Conclusion Targeting macroscopic bed recurrence with SBRT results to be a safe and efficacy treatment. Further analysis, additional data and longer follow-up will provide a clearer indication on the right way to treat these patients and on the more appropriate staging methodology for this cohort of patients.
PO-1507 Patient-reported quality of life. impact of prostate treatment
C. Garcia Torres 1 , E. Amaya Escobar 1 , P.M. Samper Ots 1 , J. Zapatero Ortuño 1 , M.D. de las Peñas Cabrera 1 , S. Payano Hernández 1 , J. Rodríguez de la Peña 1 , C. Chaves Pantoja 1 , M. Martin López 1 , J. Gutierrez Loa 1
1 Rey Juan Carlos Hospital , Radiation Oncology, Móstoles - Madrid, Spain
Purpose or Objective To analyse quality of life (Q&L), in patients with localized prostate cancer, the quality of life reported by the patient upon referral for radical radiotherapeutic treatment (RT) and the impact of the treatment. Materials and Methods Prospective observational study. Patients referred to RT completed a PRO (patient reported outcomes), the EORTC Q&L questionnaire QLQ_C30 (assesses symptoms, quality of life and function) at baseline and at the end of RT. Prognostic factors of baseline Q&L and the impact of treatment on Q&L were analysed. Results 205 patients with localized prostate cancer referred for radical RT, with a mean age of 71.51 years. Patient characteristics and significant prognostic factors of the baseline QLQ_C30_baseline are shown in Table 1. The baseline and final QLQ_C30_baseline score is shown in Graphic 1. With RT treatment, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, fatigue, insomnia, quality of life, physical function, role function and social function worsen significantly. Patients receiving
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