ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
the serum tumor marker prostate-specific antigen and toxicity was evaluated through both physician- and patient-reported outcomes during 10 years follow up using RTOG/EORTC scale. Results Between 2011 and 2014, 74 pts received radiation therapy after radical prostatectomy (in salvage setting and in adjuvant setting). After a median follow-up of 10.9 years (range 8.8-12.5) from the diagnosis and 9.8 years from the end of RT, 7.3% of pts experienced late grade ≥ 2 GI symptoms. Late grade ≥ 2 GU toxicity was reported from 19% of pts: 1 pt with a history of rectal surgery reported a G4 toxicity related to a recto-vesical fistula, 52% had mild to moderate incontinence and 5.8% had severe incontinence. 10-year overall survival was 77%, the rate of cancer-related deaths was 9.4%. The rate of biochemical failure was 38.2%, 17.6% of pts developed metastasis. Conclusion Hypofractionated postoperative prostate bed radiotherapy remains beneficial in terms of biochemical control and toxicity profile even after 10-years follow-up. Further large study and long term results of randomized trials are needed. 1 Odense University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Odense, Denmark; 2 Odense University Hospital, Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Odense, Denmark; 3 Rigshospitalet, University Hospital of Copenhagen, Department of Oncology , Copenhagen, Denmark; 4 Odense Universitets Hospital, Department of Oncology, Odense, Denmark; 5 Odense University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Odense , Denmark Purpose or Objective Toxicity monitoring of frequent longitudinal patient-reported outcomes (PROs) ensures timely detection of changes in symptomatic adverse events (AEs). However, since treatment with online MR-guided radiotherapy (MRgRT) was introduced, no studies have prospectively collected and monitored weekly changes in PROs over time. Therefore, we aimed to investigate a clinical relevant worsening in urinary frequency, acute AE trajectories, time to first peak of AEs and symptom persistence for patients with prostate cancer (PCa) treated with online MRgRT. Materials and Methods Patients with PCa referred for MRgRT at the 1.5 T Unity MR-linac from November 2020 – May 2022 were eligible for enrollment. Patients reported digital PROs (ePROs) weekly from baseline until four weeks following MRgRT and at follow up weeks eight and 12. A systematically developed pelvic item set with 18 AEs was used for ePRO collection, including a free-text AE response option. Clinicians had access to real-time monitoring of the patients using ePROs filed directly in the medical records. The primary endpoint was defined as a clinically relevant two-level increase in urinary frequency for more than one week. Results Fifty patients with PCa were included in the analyses; 25 had localised PCa treated with 60 Gy/20 Fx (5 Fx/week), and 25 had low-volume metastatic PCa treated with 36 Gy/6 Fx (2-3 Fx/week). The median age was 71 (60-81), and 92% completed ePROs (8% on paper). The mean adherence rate to weekly ePRO was 94%. A clinically relevant increase in urinary frequency was reported by 20% of patients (28% (60 Gy), 12% (36 Gy)). Figure 1 shows selected AE trajectories. The 60Gy cohort revealed the highest significant mean changes in AE scores in the third week of MRgRT. In the 36 Gy cohort, the urinary irritative AEs peaked during MRgRT, but urinary obstructive AEs, diarrhoea and rectal pain peaked during follow-up weeks 1-2. Overall, the median time to the patients’ first peak of the AEs was two weeks for the 60 Gy cohort and one week for 36 Gy. Twelve weeks following treatment, the most persistent symptom in the 60 Gy cohort was increased urinary frequency (16%); for the 36 Gy cohort, increased pain around the anal opening persisted (12%) (Figure 2). Additional AEs were reported at all times by 32% of patients, with 14% having severe or very severe symptoms. PO-1536 Using weekly digital patient-reported outcomes to evaluate toxicity for patients at the MR-linac P.K. Moeller 1 , U. Bernchou 2 , T. Schytte 1 , H. Pappot 3 , A.S. Bertelsen 2 , L. Dysager 4 , C.J. Nyborg 1 , K.B. Dieperink 5
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