ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
Except for heart RD, all pipelines exhibited excellent dosimetric agreement with MD- Ob1 (Fig2). For RD, median deviations were within ±0.1% (c.f. ±1.4% for heart) and ±0.7Gy (c.f. ±1.5Gy) for relative volume and dose metrics respectively. For PD, agreement was improved with respective values (inc. heart) within ±0.2% and 0.1Gy. Except for a few outliers and heart RD, the distribution of PD/RD deviations for AI- Std and AI- FullEd was considered nominally equivalent.
Conclusion Whilst the heart model could be improved, AI contours demonstrated good geometric agreement with MD -Ob1 and reduced delineation time. Dosimetric analysis showed that except for gross outliers and heart RD, the effect of AI- Std contour variation on RD and PD was nominally equivalent to AI- FullEd . AI- Std could therefore be clinically implemented with no degradation in plan dosimetry.
PO-1623 MCO-based training of RapidPlan for lung cancer improves sparing of heart and oesophagus
M. Hordnes 1,2 , K. Fjellanger 1,2 , I.M. Sandvik 2 , B.J.M. Heijmen 3 , S. Breedveld 3 , L. Rossi 3 , T.H. Sulen 2 , H.E.S. Pettersen 2 , L.B. Hysing 1,2
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