ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
image contrast (48%), while the possibility to have a single CT calibration curve in the TPS was of secondary importance (26%)(Fig1).
Fig1 DD implementation reasons by 17 centres (Dark colors:1st choice | Light colors:2nd choice) Eight centres using DD experienced the need for additional CT reconstructions with dedicated kernels for tumor and organ at-risk delineation, while two others used DD also for delineation. Metal implants were not considered a problem in the DD implementation if metal artifact reduction was enabled. Four centres indicated that in case of contrast administration, an additional native CT scan with DD reconstruction was acquired for dose calculation. The most relevant difficulties during DD implementation in the ten centres are depicted in Fig2A. Here, four centres reported the lack of clear guidelines as a major difficulty. Thirteen centres had still not implemented DD, even though they own the required license. Seven of these plan a DD implementation within nine months on average. From the thirteen (Fig2B), five reported lack of time, and three lack of interest by radiation oncologists as a difficulty for DD implementation. Before DD implementation, seven centres expected the lack of guidelines to be of minor importance, although four others reported this as a major difficulty during implementation (Fig2A).
Fig2 Four most relevant problems experienced by (A) 10 centres during DD implementation, and (B) 7 centres with implementation intentions
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