ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

Conclusion This study showed that MR thermometry in the target region is comparable to vaginal intraluminal thermometry. Therefore, MR thermometry facilitates the 3D target temperature assessment, enabling thermal dosimetry and improving treatment efficacy.

PO-1682 Physical characterization of an EPI DWI sequence for implementation of onboard tool in MR-linac

M. Nardini 1 , L.N. Mazzoni 2 , M. Galetto 1 , A. Capotosti 1 , A. Fidanzio 1 , L. Boldrini 3 , G. Chiloiro 3 , A. Romano 3 , G. Panza 3 , C. Votta 3 , G. Turco 3 , R. Moretti 1 , L. Indovina 1 , L. Placidi 1 1 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario ‘‘A. Gemelli’’ IRCCS, UOSD Fisica Medica e Radioprotezione, Roma, Italy; 2 Azienda USL Toscana Centro, Unità di Fisica Medica, Prato-Pistoia, Italy; 3 Fondazione Policlinico Universitario ‘‘A. Gemelli’’ IRCCS, UOC Radioterapia Oncologica, Roma, Italy Purpose or Objective In the field of hybrid accelerators with MR, online adaptive RT represents the frontier of treatment customisation. The possibility of acquiring diffusion images at each fraction would allow the acquisition of quantitative information useful for the evaluation of therapy progress, dose painting and the extraction of radiomic features. The aim of this study is the physical evaluation of the parameters of a sequence for diffusion imaging at a 0.35 T scanner to become feasible in a typical online adaptive MRgRT clinical workflow.

Materials and Methods

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