ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
Fig. 2.
Conclusion The presented autoplanning tangential IMRT technique for DIBH SGRT proved to be robust against residual intrafraction isocenter shift with no significant deteriorations in the perturbed plans and no DVH metrics exceeding the mandatory constraints for all the 12 perturbed plans investigated.
PO-2030 Improving the normal tissue sparing using scripting in endometrial cancer radiation therapy planning
Y. Yedekci 1 , M. Gültekin 1 , S. Yuce Sari 1 , F. Yildiz 1
1 Hacettepe University, Radiation Oncology, Ankara, Turkey
Purpose or Objective The aim of this study is to improve the protection of the OARs, decrease the total planning time and maintain sufficient target doses by using scripting endometrial cancer EBRT planning. Materials and Methods Computed tomography data of 14 endometrial cancer patients were included in this study. Manual and automatic planning with scripting were performed for each CT. Scripts were created in the RayStationTM (RaySearch Laboratories AB, Stockholm, Sweden) planning system using Python code. In scripting, seven additional contours were automatically created to reduce the OAR doses. The scripted and manual plans were compared with each other in terms of planning time, DVH parameters, and total monitor unit (MU) value. Results While the mean total planning time for manual planning was 368±8 sec, it was 55±2 sec for the automatic planning with scripting (p<0.001). The mean doses of OARs decreased with automatic planning(p<0.001). In addition, the maximum doses (D2% and D1%) for bilateral femoral heads and the rectum were significantly reduced. It was observed that the total MU value increased from 1,146±126 (manual planning) to 1,369±95 (scripted planning). Conclusion Scripted planning has significant time and dosimetric advantages over manual planning for endometrial cancer EBRT planning. A. De Gregorio 1 , D. Carlotti 2,3 , M. Fischetti 4,5 , G. Franciosini 6,7 , M. Marafini 7,8 , I. Mattei 9 , A. Muscato 10,7 , A. Sarti 4,7 , A. Schiavi 4,7 , A. Sciubba 4 , M. Toppi 4 , G. Traini 7 , A. Trigilio 6,7 , V. Patera 7,4 1 University La Sapienza, Rome, Department of Physics , Rome, Italy; 2 University La Sapienza, Rome, Department of Physics, Rome, Italy; 3 Fondazione Policlinico Universitatio Campus-Bio Medico, Department of Operative Research Unit of Radiation Oncology, Rome, Italy; 4 University La Sapienza of Rome, Department of Scienze di Base e Applicate per l’Ingegneria, Rome, Italy; 5 INFN, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare , Section of Roma 1, Rome, Italy; 6 University La Sapienza of Rome, Department of Physics, Rome, Italy; 7 INFN, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Section of Roma 1, Rome, Italy; 8 Museo Storico della Fisica e Centro Studi e Ricerche “E.Fermi”, -, Rome, Italy; 9 INFN, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Section of Milan, Milan, Italy; 10 University La Sapienza of Rome, Department of Dipartimento di Scienze e Biotecnologie medico chirurgiche, Rome, Italy Purpose or Objective Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) beams (E> 50 MeV) have been explored in the past for the treatment of deep-seated tumors, considering their characteristic dose release that allows a better sparing of Organ at Risk with respect to conventional radiotherapy (RT). The availability of VHEE in clinical centers, hampered in the past by the beam production PO-2031 Development of a TPS for Very High Energy Electrons delivered at FLASH rates
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