ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
Saturday 13 May
ESTRO 2023
Conclusion Despite the standardization of the Dutch robustness protocol, inconsistencies were present in the population CTV doses. VWmin-D98% dose metrics showed limitations when robustness in CTV dose was not achieved. These results can be used to further optimize and harmonize the treatment planning and evaluation protocols in Head and Neck IMPT. OC-0285 Fully automated robust multi-criterial treatment planning for HNC IMPT M. Huiskes 1 , W. Kong 2 , E. Astreinidou 1 , K. Crama 1,3 , S. Breedveld 2 , B. Heijmen 2 , C. Rasch 1,3 1 Leiden University Medical Centre, Radiation Oncology, Leiden, The Netherlands; 2 Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, Radiotherapy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands; 3 HollandPTC, Radiation Oncology, Delft, The Netherlands Purpose or Objective Automated treatment planning can decrease IMRT and VMAT planning times while obtaining also high plan quality and consistency. An example of an automated treatment planning system is Erasmus-iCycle, which produces Pareto optimal dose distributions using multi-criterial optimization based on a pre-defined wish-list. Erasmus-iCycle is already implemented in clinical practice for photon therapy, with proven equal or improved plan quality compared to manual planning. Yet, for intensity modulated proton therapy (IMPT) this has to be investigated. In this study, we investigated the quality of automatically generated robust IMPT plans against manually created clinical robust IMPT plans for head and neck
cancer (HNC) patients. Materials and Methods
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