ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


Sunday 14 May 2023

ESTRO 2023

Figure 1

Figure 2

Conclusion HyperSight imaging yields several superior image quality metrics compared to Varian TB kV-CBCT and GE kV-FBCT for imaging protocols of similar energy and CTDI. Image quality improvements can also be visualized in porcine anatomy. PD-0663 Deep learning cycleGAN MRI-only synthetic-CT generation for pelvis, brain and head and neck cancers D. Bird 1 , R. Speight 1 , S. Andersson 2 , J. Wingqvist 2 , B. Al-Qaisieh 1 1 Leeds Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy, Leeds, United Kingdom; 2 RaySearch AB, -, Stockholm, Sweden Purpose or Objective MRI-only planning relies on dosimetrically accurate synthetic-CT (sCT) generation to allow dose calculation from the MRI. A small number of commercial sCT generation products are available for pelvic and brain cancer sites, however they often rely on bulk density assignment techniques or are software packages attached to specific MRI scanners - meaning they

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