ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
Conclusion After radiotherapy on the MR-Linac, the questionnaires showed maintenance of QOL in this population. This finding is important to be able to predict future requirements and analyse potential treatment effect after radiotherapy. Consistent assessment is essential to detect patient problems as a result of radiotherapy, but also to address emerging symptoms
promptly. Reference (1) de Leon et al. Clin Transl Radiat Oncol. 2021;31:64-70
PO-1063 Perceptions of radiotherapy
T. O'Donovan 1 , B. Cashman 2 , A. Devine 1 , P.M. Mc Entee 1 , D.A. England 1 , P.A. Barry 1,2
1 University College Cork, Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy, Cork, Ireland; 2 Cork University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Cork, Ireland Purpose or Objective Radiation therapy (RT) is an essential intervention to improve outcomes for many cancer patients. However, several international studies have shown that the public’s awareness of the benefits and risks of RT is low across all demographics. Of greater concern has been the finding that several misconceptions about the use of, and outcomes post, RT also exist amongst healthcare workers who do not work directly in oncology. This study aims to ascertain healthcare workers' and the public perception of radiation and radiation therapy within Ireland.
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