ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book
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ESTRO 2023
treated with 3D conformal RT, 30 with intensity-modulated RT, 116 with stereotactic RT and one with brachytherapy RT. In agreement with our Cardiologists, a procedure for this kind of patients has been designed by defining probability classes for the CIEDs damage risk. On the base of the assigned risk class (low, intermediate, or high) we differently monitored the patients during the radiation delivery: 33 patients in the low-risk class were audio-visual monitored by radiation oncologists; 148 patients in the intermediate risk class were monitored with electrocardiogram (ECG) and pulse oximeter by radiation oncologists and nurses; in 34 cases, representing the high-risk class, even the presence of a cardiologist was considered necessary. During the treatments any adverse event has been registered: one patient died due to other causes. Conclusion Our Institute CIEDs management is based on a multidisciplinary team and on the training of the RT staff. This method appears to be safe and permits the access to the RT to all the patients with CIEDs; however, further study is deemed useful to update the current knowledge to the quick progress in technologies. O.A. Prato Carreño 1 , M. Rodriguez Plá 2 , J.A. Germain Vandewijngaerden 1 , I. Solero Martín 1 , M. Borras Calbo 1 , M.J. Perez Calatayud 1 , F.J. Celada Alvarez 1 , M.A. Berenguer Fránces 1 , M. Estornell Gualde 1 , E. Romero Benavides 1 , A.J. Conde Moreno 1 1 La Fe Polytechnic and University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Valencia, Spain; 2 La Fe Polytechnic and University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Valencia , Spain Purpose or Objective High pressure hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a recognized treatment for radio-induced injury by promoting tissue healing and angiogenesis.The objective of this trial is to analyze the effect of oxygen therapy at 1.4 atmospheres as treatment for radiation-induced cystitis and proctitis. Materials and Methods in this prospective clinical trial, approved by the local ethics committee (EC). 26 patients were recruited after their written informed consent, all of them diagnosed with radiation-induced cystitis or proctitis. They received HBOT between 2017 and 2021 in our institution. Patients received 21% oxygen in a chamber at 1.4 atm for 60 minutes. The symptoms, before and after treatment, were assessed by the CTCAEv.4 grading system. Results We treated 21 patients with cystitis, 4 patients with proctitis and 1 patient with both. Median follow-up was 25 months (1 - 50). 11 of the 21 patients with cystitis presented haematuria (4 grade-1, 5 grade-2 and 2 grade-3), 9 of them had complete clinical response 1 month after treatment. 11 patients had urinary incontinence and showed partial improvement. 4 of the 5 patients suffering from proctitis presented partial clinical improvement one month after treatment, with a decreased toxicity from grade-2 to grade-1. At long follow up they maintained this response. No secondary effects were reported. Conclusion Cystitis and proctitis can be a difficult clinical problem to solve. These chambers are portable and easy to install and may be an alternative treatment. Clinical trials on this therapy are lacking, so this prospective trial continue underway at our center E.D. Rodrigues Pinto 1 , F. Aires 2 , C. Sá 2 , C. Elzen 2 , A. Alves 2 , E. Soares 3 , M.J. Moura 2 , E. López 4 , L. Teixeira 1 1 Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, University of Porto, CINTESIS, Porto, Portugal; 2 Centro Hospitalar Universitário São João, E.P.E, Radiotherapy, Porto, Portugal; 3 Instituto Portugues de Oncologia - Francisco Gentil, Radiotherapy, Porto, Portugal; 4 GenesisCare, Radiotherapy, Madrid, Spain Purpose or Objective Survival and quality of life may have different meanings for older people. The EORTC-QLQ-ELD14 questionnaire is a quick and reliable tool to evaluate the quality of life. Also, is validated for the Portuguese population. It has two main domains, the symptom and functional QoL scales. The symptom one includes mobility, joint stiffness, worries about others, future worries, and burden of illness. The functional QoL scale compromises maintaining of purpose and family support. A high score in functional scale represents a high level of functioning, whereas a high score for the symptom scales/items represents a high level of symptomatology or problems. The main objective of this study is to evaluate the quality of life of people aged 70 years or older undergoing radiotherapy and the association with activities of daily living. Materials and Methods Patients aged ≥ 70 years undergoing radiotherapy were included. Patients with cognitive impairment were excluded. Descriptive analysis and association between quality of life and sociodemographic/health variables were performed (shown in Table 1). The significance level considered was 0.05. Results We included 131 older people with a median age of 74 years (IQR=6), 85 men (64.9%). The prostate was the most frequent tumour location (n= 50, 38.2%). Activities of daily living (ADL) was the variable with a significant correlation with more domains of QoL. Participants with higher dependence on ADL scored poorer in functional scale (purpose [p=0.001] and family support [p=0.015]). Also presented more worries about others [p=0.018], future worries [p=0.002], greater burden of disease [p=0.018], more frequent mobility difficulties [p=0.004] and joint complaints [p=0.001]. There were other variables with a significant correlation with QoL. The participants with caregiver presented lower life purpose [p=0.003], more frequent mobility difficulties [p=0.004], greater future worries [p=0.034] and a higher disease burden [p=0.02]. PO-1071 Oxygen therapy at 1.4 atmospheres in radiation-induced cystitis and proctitis PO-1072 Association between activities of daily living and quality of life in older people undergoing RT
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