ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

4) were scored independently by the six ROs. A risk priority number (RPN) was obtained as RPN=OxSxD. The RPN values were compared to the values obtained by a group of six ROs experts of the same department. Results Thirty-six FMs were identified by the group in training. Similar mean RPN values were obtained by the two groups (13.5 vs 13.6). Larger standard deviation in evaluating each FMs was observed for the ROs in training (9.0 vs. 6.5), probably due to different level of experience. Both groups ranked the following FMs as highest priorities: (i) the patient identification; (ii) the missing of clinical documentation; (iii) the physical examination; (iv) A non-adequate patient preparation. Leveraging on the experiences gained during training in other hospitals, the group proposed a pre-exam carried out by the ROs in training to verify the adequacy of the previous clinical documentation and check the patient preparation as a corrective action to reduce higher RPNs. Conclusion This study revealed the importance of a risk management culture for ROs in training. This study helped in increasing the safety of CT simulation process. 1 IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Medical Physics Unit of the Department of Radiotherapy and Radiosurgery, Rozzano (Milano), Italy; 2 A.O.U. Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino, Medical Physics, Torino, Italy; 3 ASST Grande Ospedale Metropolitano Niguarda, Medical Physics, Milano, Italy; 4 IEO, European Institute of Oncology, IRCCS, Unit of Radiation Research, Milano, Italy; 5 ASU FC Azienda Sanitaria Universitaria Friuli Centrale, Medical Physics Unit, Udine, Italy; 6 University of Florence, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Careggi, Biomedical, Experimental and Clinical Sciences Dept. "Mario Serio", Firenze, Italy; 7 AUSL Piacenza, Medical Physics Unit, Piacenza, Italy; 8 AUSL Toscana Centro, Medical Physics Uni, Firenze, Italy Purpose or Objective The adoption and implementation of Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) is continuously growing. Many centers with few machines are present in Italy, and medical physicists could have limited preparation on the dosimetric and technical aspects of SBRT. A national working group (WG) on the physics aspects of SBRT started in 2013 to support medical physics services approaching the treatment of high dose image-guided hypo-fractionation radiotherapy (AIFM/SBRT-WG). A journal club (JC) is an academic structure in which group of individuals meet regularly to critically evaluate recent articles on a specific topic. Leveraging on the academia, we aim to report the adoption of an online JC based approach for improving the awareness of AIFM/SBRT-WG members, mainly employed in hospital. Materials and Methods Starting in 2018, a bi-monthly online JC focusing on the physics of SBRT was introduced. All the 157 members of the AIFM/SBRT-WG were invited to propose specific paper, and eventually, present it to the whole WG during the JC. At this aim, a google survey was periodically proposed. In case, external experts were asked to present the paper and report their experience on a specific topic. The paper presented in the JC was shared in advance so that all attendees could read it before the event. The coordinators of the WG acted as facilitators of the JC. Results So far, 19 online JCs were organized. An average of 29 online accounts (i.e. >45 medical physicists) participated to the JCs. Each paper was analytically presented during the first 15 minutes, followed by 30 minutes of discussion. The most interest topics were: SBRT planning, motion management during SBRT delivery, radiobiology of SBRT, small field dosimetry, in vivo dosimetry, and automation. Most of JC's presenters worked in small hospitals. In two cases, the speakers were international experts on the subject. In four cases, the JC topic was the starting point for further study and scientific articles (on dosimetry and small field planning), a letter to the editor (online pancreatic re-planning) and a specific subgroup was created (knowledge-based multi-center planning). Conclusion The experience of AIFM/SBRT-WG has shown how online JC can enable personal growth in SBRT knowledge. Recently, other Italian WGs have started performing online JC. Our expectation is to inspire other scientific societies facing fragmented contexts. PO-1102 Online journal club to improve the awareness in a national working group on physics of SBRT P. Mancosu 1 , F.R. Giglioli 2 , C. Carbonini 3 , C. Garibaldi 4 , E. Moretti 5 , C. Talamonti 6 , E. Villaggi 7 , S. Russo 8

PO-1103 Did the oncology resident need training on sexual health for oncology patients?

N. Fourati 1 , M. Frikha 1 , A. Jribi 1 , O. Nouri 1 , W. Siala 1 , W. Mnejja 1 , J. Daoud 1

1 Habib Bourguiba Hospital Faculty of Medicine University of Sfax, Radiotherapy Department, Sfax, Tunisia

Purpose or Objective Our study aimed to evaluate the training needs of oncology residents on the theme of the sexual health of oncology patients. Materials and Methods An online survey with 22 questions was sent to all oncology residents (medical oncology and radiation oncology) (a total of 60 residents). The participants were invited to anonymously answer questions regarding 1) demographic data (4 questions) 2) previous knowledge of sexual health evaluation and treatment of oncology patients (13 questions) 3) the importance of

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