ESTRO 2023 - Abstract Book


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ESTRO 2023

Conclusion We observed no significant relationship between the ADCmean of the primary tumour and survival outcomes in patients with locally advanced OCSCC. To our knowledge, this is the first published study looking at the utility of pre treatment DW MRI as a predictive biomarker in patients with stage III-IV OCSCC receiving combined modality treatment.

PO-1223 Radiation induced myopathy of neck muscles with IMRT - A study of dosimetry and clinical correlation

H. Khattar 1 , P. Kumar 1

1 Shri Ram Murti Institute of Medical Sciences, Department of Radiation Oncology, Bareilly, India

Purpose or Objective Purpose - Radiotherapy (RT) plays a major role in the management of head and neck cancers . Acute and long-term sequelae of radiotherapy are highly prevalent which have substantial impact on the quality of life of the patient. Radiation-induced toxicity is a major cause of long-term disability after head and neck cancer treatment, such as subcutaneous soft-tissue fibrosis, neck muscle atrophy, swallowing abnormalities, and trismus. Neck muscle atrophy and soft-tissue fibrosis have received little attention in the clinical literature. The present study is done to assess the dose going to the neck muscles in patients treated by IMRT plans and to correlate clinically and radiologically the long-term outcomes of radiation induced myopathy in neck muscles. Aims and objectives - To assess the Dosimetric parameters of neck muscles in head and neck cancers patients treated with concurrent chemo-radiation by Intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) technique & to clinically correlate the Dosimetric parameters with neck muscles toxicity Materials and Methods Forty patients were included in this study from Aug 2020 to Sept 2021. All patients were planned and delivered standard definitive radiotherapy a dose of 70 Gy in 35 fractions over 7 weeks along with Concurrent Cisplatin at 35 mg/m2 IV infusion weekly. The neck muscles were delineated. No dose constraint was prescribed to the neck muscles. Dosimetric parameters of neck muscles were assessed. After six months’ post treatment, the patients were assessed for Radiation induced myopathy in neck muscles and were compared to pre treatment. The neck muscle toxicity was assessed by the clinical symptoms and by neuro-physical examination. Analysis was done by using latest SPSS software.


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