ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Gynaecology

ESTRO 2024

The protocol preparation and conduct of review was done in accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) checklist 2020. The primary objective of the review was to estimate the incidence of vaginal toxicities following radical concomitant chemoradiation for which endpoint was the percentage of patients reporting to have any form or grade of vaginal toxicity. The secondary objectives were: 1. to estimate the radiation tolerance dose to vagina with the endpoints being the radiation dose received by vagina (if reported) and any relationship of the vaginal RT dose if observed with the reported toxicities. 2. To find association of vaginal toxicities with any other factor observed in that particular study. The protocol was registered at Prospero International prospective Register of systematic reviews (CRD42023396673).


A total of 24 eligible studies were included in the review. There were wide range of incidence of vaginal toxicities reported in various studies in this review (Figure 1). CTCAE v 4.0 was the toxicity scoring criteria used by 7/24 (27%) studies. The incidence of total vaginal toxicities (all grades) reported in these seven studies was 50% (median, range: 11.3- 100). Vaginal Stenosis was reported in a total of 9/24 studies with median incidence being 61.5%, (range: 20 -77.8), Different Scoring criteria)] (Figure 2). The mean incidence of Grade 3 or more toxicities were 12.74% (CTCAE v4.0), 0.98% (CTCAE v3.0), 10.41% (RTOG/EORTC) and 0%(LENT-SOMA). Age and initial vaginal involvement were associated with increased severity of vaginal toxicities in 5/24 (20%) studies each. There were both clinical and statistical heterogeneity observed in the reporting criteria of toxicities and radiotherapy doses to the organ.

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