ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
The SPARC study is, to our knowledge, the first well-powered randomised trial to investigate the efficacy of a nurse-led sexual rehabilitation intervention for women treated with radiotherapy and brachytherapy for gynaecological cancers. The intervention was not found to outperform care-as-usual. The lack of marked differences in outcomes between the two groups could be attributed to the increased awareness and improved standards of counselling and support for post-radiotherapy sexual rehabilitation. Since the results of the pilot study(1) and preparations for the SPARC trial, standard care in the Netherlands already included comprehensive information and guidance on dilator use. Additionally, a specialized patient advocacy website on sexual rehabilitation and informal patient-nurse discussions further enhanced awareness. Post-hoc questionnaires revealed that several centres improved and extended their standard sexual rehabilitation care during the study period. All centres ensured that sexuality was a standard topic in follow-up appointments with the physicians. The positive impact of specialized nurses in the intervention group emphasizes their role in providing initial information and support. In conclusion, the SPARC trial highlights the improved sexual rehabilitation care in the Netherlands for women undergoing intensive radio(chemo)therapy and brachytherapy, emphasizing the importance of awareness, education, and comprehensive care. The 'optimal' approach involves comprehensive patient information, a dedicated appointment one month post-radiotherapy with explicit dilator guidance including a dilator set and a booklet preferably with a specifically trained nurse, and dedicated follow-up during the first year post-treatment.
Keywords: gynaecological cancers, sexual rehabilitation, RCT
1. Bakker RM, Mens JW, de Groot HE, Tuijnman-Raasveld CC, Braat C, Hompus WC, et al. A nurse-led sexual rehabilitation intervention after radiotherapy for gynecological cancer. Supportive Care Cancer. 2017;25(3):729 37.
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