ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book


Clinical - Gynaecology

ESTRO 2024


Our study underscores the value of post-CRT/BRT PET assessment in LACC patients. This evaluation serves multiple purposes, including: i) offering reliable prognostic predictions; ii) enabling the early identification of a substantial proportion of patients eligible for SBRT (37.5%); iii) pinpointing a subset of patients (CR on 18F-FDG PET/CT) for whom subsequent treatment failures can be managed with SBRT in a substantial majority of cases (61.1%).

Keywords: lacc, chemoradiation, pet


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Advanced RT techniques for palliative treatment of gynaecological cancer: a practical approach

Sooha Kim 1 , Alexandra Taylor 2

1 The Institute of Cancer Research, Radiotherapy and Imaging, London, United Kingdom. 2 Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Gynaecology Unit, London, United Kingdom


Advanced radiotherapy techniques are underutilised for palliative treatment of cancer patients, often due to resource prioritisation or urgent need to start treatment (1–4). Patients receiving palliative treatment can be frail with limited functional reserves and therefore, there could be significant benefits for reducing any normal tissue toxicity by delivering highly conformal radiotherapy treatment using advanced techniques. There may also be further benefits with dose escalation particularly for patients with localised disease. However, there is limited

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