ESTRO 2024 - Abstract Book
Clinical - Gynaecology
ESTRO 2024
This study showed that V30Gy, V40Gy and Dmean (BM) strongly predicted white blood cells, platelets and neutrophils decrease during concurrent VMAT pelvic radio-chemotherapy. BM should be routinely contoured in pelvic RT. VMAT treatment plans should be optimized on V30Gy, V40 Gy and Dmean (BM) to reduce the risk of radiation induced haematological toxicity.
Keywords: haematological toxicity, VMAT radiotherapy
Proffered Paper
Ten-year results of the PORTEC-3 trial: adjuvant therapy for women with high-risk endometrial cancer
Cathalijne C B Post 1 , Stephanie M de Boer 1 , Melanie E Powell 2 , Linda Mileshkin 3 , Dionyssios Katsaros 4 , Paul Bessette 5 , Alexandra Leary 6 , Nelleke P Ottevanger 7 , Mary McCormack 8 , Pearly Khaw 9 , Romerai D’Amico 10 , Anthony Fyles 11 , Cyrus Chargari 12 , Henry C Kitchener 13 , Hans W Nijman 14 , Ludy Lutgens 15 , Ina M Jürgenliemk-Schulz 16 , Remi A Nout 1 , Hein Putter 17 , Nanda Horeweg 1 , Tjalling Bosse 18 , Carien L Creutzberg 1 1 Leiden University Medical Center, Radiation Oncology, Leiden, Netherlands. 2 Barts Health NHS Trust, Clinical Oncology, London, United Kingdom. 3 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Medical Oncology, Melbourne, Australia. 4 Città della Salute and S Anna Hospital, Surgical Sciences and Gynecology, Torino, Italy. 5 University of Sherbrooke, Gynaecologic Oncology, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. 6 Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, INSERM U981, Université Paris Saclay, Cancer Medicine and Gynecological Tumor Translational Research Lab, Villejuif, France. 7 Radboudumc, Medical Oncology, Nijmegen, Netherlands. 8 University College Hospital London, Medical Oncology, London, United Kingdom. 9 Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Melbourne, Australia. 10 Azienda Socio Sanitaria Territoriale, Radiation Oncology, Lecco, Italy. 11 Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Toronto, Canada. 12 Pitié Salpêtrière University Hospital, Radiation Oncology, Paris, France. 13 Institute of Cancer Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom. 14 University Medical Center Groningen, Gynecologic Oncology, Groningen, Netherlands. 15 MAASTRO, Radiation Oncology, Maastricht, Netherlands. 16 University Medical Center Utrecht, Radiation Oncology, Utrecht, Netherlands. 17 Leiden University Medical Center, Medical Statistics, Leiden, Netherlands. 18 Leiden University Medical Center, Pathology, Leiden, Netherlands
The randomized PORTEC-3 trial investigated the benefit of combined adjuvant chemotherapy during and after radiotherapy versus radiotherapy alone for women with high-risk endometrial cancer. Here we present the 10 year follow-up results.
Between Nov 23, 2006, and Dec 20, 2013, 660 women with high-risk endometrial cancer (FIGO 2009 stage I grade 3 with deep myometrial invasion and/or LVSI; stage II or III; or stage I-III serous/clear cell histology) were randomised (1:1) to chemoradiotherapy or radiotherapy alone. Molecular analysis was done on 423 tumour tissues. For the intention-to-treat population overall survival was analysed using Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazard model. For the adjusted analysis, stratification factors were included as covariates in the Cox
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